Daring can do significant damage to a broadside cruiser when given the opportunity, but the general rule of thumb is that if the cruiser isn’t forced broadside then its best to keep it spotted for your team to shoot. You should do Wintergrasp if you are Alliance regardless of gear. Hey, So I wanted to start of the discussion arround cross the power of a DD vs a CA in current CV heavy meta by comparing The Minotaur vs the minitaur (daring). X-Ray Papa Unaone. However, this advantage quickly diminishes as the range increases to 12km, as seen in the second picture. Yeh I like IFHE too much on this ship, the firechance is great and the meme reload make for a ship that is oddly reliable when it comes to starting fires, I use AP when appropriate in any DD, but with the Daring, you can BBQ a ship and then once you have its side start to AP melt them and it is brutally effective (had a broadside Zao the other day, christ the 3k+ volleys...). The Gearing class was a series of 98 destroyers built for the U.S. Navy during and shortly after World War II.The Gearing design was a minor modification of the Allen M. Sumner class, whereby the hull was lengthened by 14 ft (4.3 m) at amidships, which resulted in more fuel storage space and increased the operating range.. As the Tier X American destroyer, Gearing represents the ultimate embodiment of the jack-of-all-trades destroyer in World of Warships. Daring's best concealment is 6.0km, which isn't bad unless you face Shima or a legendary mod Gearing. Calculate total XP to get to top tier ships. Zaō 17. Papa Papa+300% Free XP earned for the battle. This is by baiting them using the Daring heal. While normal heals take 28 seconds to recover their full amount, the Daring heals 2920 HP in just 10 seconds, that is a much faster rate than other DDs. BRITAIN is gearing up for a post-lockdown ‘fiesta in make-up and in fragrances’ not seen since the Roaring 1920s, according to style experts. That was sunk in 44 shells with HE from full HP, with 1.6 second reload that is under 12 seconds, your DPM is amazing and it catches players off guard all the time. And I want to put an end to this myth that “Daring should fire AP at broadside DDs”. Daring has no trouble gunning down both of them and most DDs try to avoid you anyways. Whereas 1980's missiles in WoWS might be entertaining, what goes on in the real world is not. The first being that Grozovoi is fast and can come from an unsuspecting angle to assassinate the enemy DD by quickly closing in the distance. Gun Feeder-50% time to switch loaded shell type. Daring — British Tier X destroyer.. November Foxtrot () and Juliet Charlie () are also highly recommended, if available. ToC 5 man drops ilvl 219 gear which allowed people to skip Naxx and Ulduar on retail which is not how this server is run. This makes her utterly devastating to enemy destroyers at close range, as few other destroyers in the game can match her raw rate of fire. Daring have floaty arcs, but thanks to the extremely mobile smoke it can constantly move to effective range before smoking up, and never have to commit to a single smoke unlike the Gearing. A game about huge boats. They rely on their speed, maneuverability, and stealth. Compared to the 3,400 tons of Soviet "pride" that is the Khabarovsk, Grozovoi provides a more balanced performance of a typical destroyer, while still retaining some of the attractive qualities of Soviet destroyers.. This is a Daring guide targeted toward high level solo players. This smoke combines very well with Daring’s extremely high fires/minute. Feel to comment on this. Instagram model wows in daring 'underboob' dress that puts chest on full display Mikaela Testa, 20, boasts a following of 1.1 million fans on Instagram where she delights users with jaw-dropping snaps of her physique and her latest one is seriously sexy S and T class destroyer Wikipedia. Daring have neither and no useable torps due to range. Yueyang is quite similar to Tier X American destroyer Gearing both appearance and play-style. You don't spec it for guns though but the heal goes a long way towards compensating for that (you lose vs the Daring mainly because he'll be gun specced while also having a … Additionally, because the Daring requires IFHE, taking CE on top triggers the 19-point dilemma and forces players to either sacrifice survivability or firepower. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. Main Battery & AA Specialist-5% main battery reload time.+10% continuous AA damage. This is the second part of the guide where I talk about how I made my Daring work, and of course I will first explain why I choose this playstyle for the ship and how I find success with it. o7, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. X-Ray Papa Unaone+15% action time of Smoke Generator. Therefore I don’t average 200k in Daring because there are plenty of times where I got caught by a surprise play, but I find it worth the risk overall. Main Battery (Maximum Rate of Fire) Build: One popular build for Gearing captains is to stack buffs to her main battery rate of fire. Is this something we can take a look into fixing or make it a bannable offense Assuming the same amount of penetrations AP should theoretically do 23.5% more damage instead of 66.7%. Gunboats. Hydra+50% XP earned for the battle.+150% Commander XP earned for the battle.+250% Free XP earned for the battle. I do not try to use my torpedoes as a 2x5 but rather 10x1 against BBs and CAs pushing in. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. It's a very disruptive play style but as I recall you only got murdered by BBAP later on, because of course. Some may argue that Daring, with its “special” AP, can make up for it and one can get away without IFHE by simply playing it like a Minotaur but that is, well, to put it politely, non-sense. I don’t ever see myself playing much in division because of my real life demands. November Echo Setteseven+5% continuous AA damage at all ranges.+5% damage from flak bursts. Daring Yoshino Hindenburg Colbert Stalingrad Z-52 Alexander Nevsky République Halland Montana Moskva Gearing Marceau Des Moines Midway Kléber Worcester Grozovoi Großer Kurfürst Venezia Yamato Khabarovsk Petropavlovsk Zaō Yueyang Smolensk Harugumo Småland Henri IV Kremlin Goliath Shimakaze Conqueror Minotaur This guide will be separated into two sections, first being things that everyone should know about Daring, regardless of playstyle, while the second part I will talk about my playstyle specifically. Though she cannot outspot the Z-52, the Z-52 is much faster and has hydro that significantly outranges that of the Daring. Fill the Tubes-10% torpedo tubes reload time. Doiphin, I actually played with you (in my Edinburgh) on one of those matches. Daring is the slowest DD and the gap in concealment is absolutely painful. How long does it take for an above average player adjust to the no LS playstyle though? World of Warships XP calculator. This guide will be separated into two sections, first being things that everyone should know about Daring, regardless of playstyle, while the second part I will talk about my playstyle specifically. Gearing can equip the following consumables: Just like her predecessors, Defensive AA Fire () is recommended over Engine Boost () due to the extreme threat that enemy aircraft create for a Gearing. Marceau 6. Nice guide. Wyvern+50% credits earned for the battle. Last StandThe ship remains able to move and maneuver - slowly - while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated. Firing a torpedo every 15 seconds on the white line. The recommended upgrades for Gearing are fairly obvious choices, and largely self-explanatory: Slot 3 offers either Aiming Systems Modification 1 (), Torpedo Tubes Modification 1 () or AA Guns Modification 1 (); none of them are bad choices. Daring have floaty arcs, but thanks to the extremely mobile smoke it can constantly move to effective range before smoking up, and never have to commit to a single smoke unlike the Gearing. Warship nations. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Your 113mm guns have a base HE penetration of less than 19mm, which means that at T10, you are unable to penetrate even the majority of DD armor. Contact EdibleBug on Reddit for service related issues. The Grozovoi have amazing AP and can citadel cruisers at concealment range, the Khaba can open water gun against cruisers without having to worry much about receiving return damage, the Harugumo with 32mm pen can straight up fight cruisers. Daring will have a 26 second smoke downtime inbetween, if stealth is not possible, I simply stay put and when shells are fired use my acceleration to dodge. Medea II Campbeltown III Valkyrie III Wakeful IV Acasta V Anthony V Gallant VI Icarus VI Jervis VII Cossack VIII Cossack B VIII Lightning VIII Jutland IX Daring X Pan-Asia Longjiang II Phra Ruang III Shenyang IV Jianwei V Anshan VI Fushun VI Gadjah Mada VII Fenyang VIII Hsienyang VIII Loyang VIII Siliwangi VIII Chung Mu IX Yueyang X But which should you buy, the Series X or Series S? Bella Hadid ditches her underwear and wows on the red carpet in VERY daring satin gown The model left nothing to the imagination in a seriously sexy frock with a … The third being that sometimes the enemy DD just simply doesn’t want to engage you, the ones who just want to keep you spotted for an eternity can certainly do so with a decent buffer and superior speed. The masters of daring sorties, crafty ambushes, and hunting for aircraft carriers and battleships. Thus I would propose at a minimum, a base speed increase. USS Sarsfield is shown at top in 1945; USS Rowan is shown at bottom in 1965. 8. share. Select a specializations Simply having it equipped and demonstrating to an enemy carrier that it is available is frequently a deterrent to them swarming Gearing with bombers or assigning a squadron to keep her spotted. Torpedo Build: A less popular — but no less potent — Gearing build is to buff her torpedo reload time by stacking Torpedo Tubes Modification 2 () in Slot 6 with the Level 3 commander skill Torpedo Armament Expertise. Don’t miss the full episode! Get the latest news and developments here and play for free! The first being that it allows you to win trade over time against other DDs, as you will have your smoke reloaded much faster than they will, the second being the sheer power of repositioning. A top-and-bottom comparison of Gearing-class ships before and after the FRAM I modernization. I need either AFT or the 3mil range mod on it, not sure which -- although AFT + reload mod might be the best combination. Adrenaline Rush-0.2% reload time of all armaments per 1% HP lost+0.2% AA continuous damage per 1% HP lost. Now compare it to the 4th, which is against a broadside Shima at 5.5km (the range that you would be detecting and engaging a Shima), 41 hits. From what I can tell, OP is suggesting not to play Daring like a Gearing/Z-52 cap bully (which is how most people seem to play her) and instead rely more heavily on smokes and fire chance. WoWS Naval Legends: Submarine USS Batfish – Trailer. Combined, these upgrades significantly improve Gearing’s torpedo reload time. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? Mike Yankee Soxisix+5% to secondary battery maximum firing range.-5% to maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells.-5% to secondary battery loading time. Juliet Whiskey Unaone+15% chance of causing flooding.+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating. This means Daring can light multiple fires then wait for the DCP and its period to end to smoke up again and dish out the burn, where as BBs may save their DCPs till they exit the effective range of the smoke against other DDs like Harugumo, they cannot ever escape the chains of smokes from the Daring. This means as you fire, HE you will always get at least a 0.3x per hit, where as AP can overpen for 0.1x or bounce for 0x. Torpedo Tubes Modification 1 in this slot will help counteract some of the negative effects of equipping Torpedo Tubes Modification 2 () in Slot 6. India Bravo Terrathree-10% to the cost of the ship's post-battle repair. Calculate total XP to get to top tier ships. Thus, the damage to the BBs in these two scenarios became to what is normally expected of AP/HE alpha ratio is 23.5%. Juliet Charlie-100% to the risk of magazine detonation. I only have to dodge a single BB salvo as my smoke will be reloaded before the reload. The times where you see Daring evaporate an enemy DD with AP is due to Daring’s DPM, HE would had done the exact same thing, with much more consistent results. In order to be able to use all the functionalities of our platforms, you must agree to access the API. For example there was a 49 warrior with several level 51 pieces on as well as a 69 rogue that was able to equip 4 or 5 pieces of 70 gear. I smoke up to shoot and everything disappears...oh, because I was the only one spotting. S and t class destroyer wikipedia daring (1949) wikiwand tashkent gearing fletcher. Juliet Yankee Bissotwo-20% to flooding duration. US NAVY, IJN, SOVIET, ROYAL NAVY, France, Kriegsmarine ship tech trees. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Daring Passage: Book Two of … Nice guide, however before getting daring, Concealment is way more important for how annoying the 7km torps are, but after Jutland i would say that CE can be very subjective, i may retrain my captain for AFT instead (Love my AFT Kiev, and already aiming for AFT Kitakaze). I am Doiphin_Princess on NA and the current top Daring player. I don’t have the Daring myself yet, looking forward to it. I am Doiphin_Princess on NA and the current top Daring player. This nation is represented by four ship types. It's got only very slightly less base HE DPM than the Daring and the Gearing with an 8% base fire chance. Our platforms (wows-numbers.com, wot-numbers.com) present data from Wargaming's products.This data is accessed via publicly available API as part of the WG DPP program. /s. Very high rate of fire and quick main battery traverse speed. Poor shell velocity and high arcs make long range gunnery difficult. All copyright materials provided by Wargaming.net are owned by Wargaming.net. Click on a ship for fitting. Daring can reach 10% fire chance with DE and fire signals even with IFHE penalty, at a rate of 3 shells per second. The same turret traverse, the same AP damage (with better normalization on Daring iirc), Daring has better rate of fire and fire chance (5% vs. 8% base, what the fuck?) Versatility is a common feature of U.S. ships. This list will allow you to begin raiding Karazhan if you have an item from this list in every slot. Minotaur 17. I think you forgot about Gearing :). Småland 7. I love her, and love playing it, but I cannot win in this fat pig of a DD. Gearing’s access to Upgrade Slot 6 gives her the same choice Fletcher has between a couple of Main Battery Builds or a Torpedo Build when customizing her upgrades and commander skills. Priority TargetThe detection indicator will show the number of enemies aiming at you with main battery. Captains who have opted for a Torpedo Build Gearing will want to equip a Juliet Whiskey Unaone () signal in order to maximize potential damage from torpedo hits. I’ve come across several twinks if you’d like to call them that, that are able to equip gear that is higher than the level they are currently at. that is 66.7% more damage per shell. Consumables Specialist-10% cooldown time of: Main Battery Reload Booster (), Torpedo Reload Booster (), Spotting Aircraft (), Catapult Fighter (), & Defensive AA Fire (). Zulu Hotel+50% Commander XP earned for the battle. Somers' service history actually started before the declaration of war. wows somers review. Frankly I don't know if we need this on top of Azerite gear and Benthic gear and so, so many ways we already have for the idea of how good gear is or isn't to get overly complicated. However, this cannot be said for the Daring as its shell arcs are lazy like the USN and at 6.6km the effective DPM starts to quickly diminish. Thus, a conventional gun boat style is simple inferior to the other gun boats. Aiming Systems Modification 1 : Increases the firing accuracy of the main battery and secondary battery, accelerates the traverse speed of torpedo tubes, and extends the firing range of the secondary battery And if the enemy DD knows how to angle, your AP will fail because you do not have overmatch. When you fight BBs, your AP can have a greater multiplier than your HE, such as penning the 32mm armor for 0.3x instead of shatter for 0x. Even with IFHE Daring only have 24.4mm of HE penetration. Now before you throw your pitchforks at me please let me explain first. As I talked about before, the Daring is not a torpedo boat nor a hybrid, and for a gun boat it really lacks the versatility that the Grozovoi, Khaba and Harugumo offers. Captains who are comfortable using Fletcher’s Mark 16 mod. Many captains will opt to leave their AA guns disabled most of the time — for stealth — and plug Aiming Systems Modification 1 into this slot. Superintendent+1 charge to all consumables. Gearing is built around the same style of dual barrel 127mm turrets that form the main battery of Atlanta and Flint, as well as the secondary batteries of North Carolina, Iowa, and Montana. Though she cannot outspot the Z-52, the Z-52 is much faster and has hydro that significantly outranges that of the Daring. Click on a ship for fitting. Liquidator+30% chance (multiplicative) of causing flooding. Dirk the Daring roll to the left to avoid a strike from Shovel knight attack to blocking the attack with his sword to another roll to the right avoid the attack; therefore, he roll again to strike Shovel Knight in the back when he pull out a coin from the ground that caused a huge avalanches of gold to bury Shovel Knight. Like Fletcher, Gearing can equip the Defensive AA Fire () consumable without giving up anything to do so, which helps shore up the traditional destroyer weakness to enemy air strikes. With the update 0.9.7., 2 new combat flags will be added to the game. The ship was superior in firepower to all foreign counterparts, owing to new dual-purpose twin mounts with a very high rate of fire. The Mark 17 torpedoes have lower damage and flooding chance than the stock torpedoes. your own Pins on Pinterest That is not to say Daring’s torpedoes are useless. Radio LocationShows the direction to the nearest enemy ship.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken.. Fearless Brawler-10% main battery reload when ship is spotted+1 flak burst per salvo.+5% detectability range of the ship. Daring has almost 20% better reload. With the first 2 heals I have 30k hp to take shots fired at my smoke as well as damage I take inbetween smokes. Having similar guns like Gearing, Yueyang has … Here is an example of how this is done. Basically you turn yourself into a mini Worcester that produces it's own smoke islands. Halland 12. S and T class destroyer Wikipedia. The 22-year-old left jaws on the floor as she paraded her figure in the barely-there Cleopatra get-up. She had excellent rapid fire guns, potent torpedoes along with her counterpart the Shimakaze, a better AA suite and of course nice concealment features that express how hard work can pay off. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. One without would have 20,800+250(10)(2) or 25,800, that is 22% less HP and 1 less smoke. It does not exclude the relevant choice in Slot 6 though, so the negative effects can be offset by the upgrade chosen for that slot. The idea of this playstyle is to force the enemy to come to you, negating the shell arc weakness. Moskva 24. It is countered by her… Continue reading Finally, this tactic works quite well against enemy DDs. As I will explain below: Against CVs: This one is fairly straight forward, you always want to fire HE first and force out the DCP so you can light another fire 30 seconds later as fires prevent the CV from being able to fight back. This is a test done at 9km against a broadside Yamato. I don't think he did, because as he mentioned he generally prefers to fire HE vs DDs for reliability, and his HE pen is adequate (with IFHE) to penetrate Gearing's 21 mm plate. Gearing packs three such turrets, with a stock reload speed of 3.0 seconds. Instagram model wows in daring 'underboob' dress that puts chest on full display Mikaela Testa, 20, boasts a following of 1.1 million fans on Instagram where she delights users with jaw-dropping snaps of her physique and her latest one is seriously sexy Main Battery & AA Expert+20% main battery range.+15% flak damage. View entire discussion ( 33 comments) More posts from … This is excellent bait to enemy DDs who thinks a 5k hp Daring at 6.6km is an easy kill, and soon to regret with 1.6 second reload AR of pain. [Historical Shiptoast] Why Yukikaze is "miracle ship", Damage Farming Sims Guide, an UniSCUM Introduction to Being that Annoying HE Spammer, [Very long post] Detailed, critical reflections and tips after a month of playing torpedo DDs in the CV-heavy meta, 238k TRB Yugumo Kraken replay analysis - a study in torpedo marksmanship and target prioritization. Preventive Maintenance-30% chance of main armament, engines, steering becoming incapacitated. I’m looking for the opposite. Daring Passage: Book Two of the Spirited Away Saga - Kindle edition by Plummer, Maggie. with only marginally worse ballistics. For a more general and passive play style I would recommend the skills in the following order: PM->AR->BFT->IFHE->CE are your essential skills, follow it up by SE and if you want 20 second reloading smokes go with JoAT otherwise if you cannot handle the pressure wants to be more safe then you can invest into LS. Kléber 6. 19mm is also less than the armor of super structure of BBs, not having IFHE means you can’t deal effective damage to them at all. 61 of the 80 games are solo with pretty much identical stats to div. The torpedo damage is alright at 16.7k alpha but the torpedo reload is at a painfully long 2 minutes. 350K DMG AP Monster - WOWS Cruiser Minotaur, 10 ships destroyed, 345k damage - World of Warships Minotaur British Cruiser | 7 Kills, HC, Conf, 190k Dmg, 3.3k Base XP | … After taking chunks of damage from BBs and CAs, the I often find myself in the red. In other words, even under the absolute optimal situation, where every single AP penetrates, the only difference you will get is the difference in alpha, namely 2100/1700 or 23.5% more. She's been gearing up to compete on the ... the homewear brand owner's ensemble was complete with a plunging neckline and a daring thigh-high slit. A collection of gameplay guides, mostly DD and Strategy focused. Captains should allow for some adjustment time in learning how Gearing handles differently before intentionally putting her into situations where precision handling is expected. Do not try to full stealth torpedo BBs your guns are far more effective, do not try to torpedo DDs in an open engagement as you lose DPM if you don’t constantly fire with your insane reload (Daring also have horrible torpedo angles). I mean honestly, 6″ shells coming out every 2.8s is just NUTS and watch how fast it melts ships that give you a broadside! Source: www.wikiwand.com. Grease the Gears+15% main battery traverse speed. Whereas Halland is a well-rounded generalist ship centered around its torpedoes, Småland is far more … I think this strategy will get better with next patch, though still be high risk. You don't need LS/CE because you're not trying to 1v1 DDs, you're ignoring them and dealing with their cruiser/BB support: your play style is to avoid being shot at and instead spend your time burning stuff, I can see it working, but it "feels" uncomfortable to think about, It's statpadder build so he come here and brat about being the '#¹ Daring'. One of the main strengths of Daring is of course the low cooldown of smokes, as I talked about in my previous guide, this has 2 main uses. You mentioned in a paragraph about firing ap into broadside Khabarovsks. Similarly, Defensive AA Fire Modification 1 () is available in Slot 2 in order to maximize Gearing’s anti-aircraft role. Gearing in 1967, following her FRAM I modernization. Dragon Flag+333% Commander XP earned for the battle. There are plenty of trade-offs between Khabarovsk and Grozovoi.For starters, Grozovoi is slower than Khabarovsk - though she is still fast at 39.5 … Madonna wows crowds with daring Givenchy dress on the red carpet at the Met Ball 2016. Shortest main battery range in tier/class. Harugumo 13. This is an Arms/Fury/Prot Warrior Pre-Raid Best in Slot list for The World of Warcraft Burning Crusade expansion. Also single fire torps, I like to try and make space invader patterns, shit is so retarded not even an ultra potato can dodge them all and once they have repaired, its smoke and HE tiem. Concealment Expert-10% detectability range of the ship. For a reference, a SE SI Daring have an effective HP of 24,300+292(10)(3) or 33,060. Småland is a Tier X European premium destroyer, researchable for 2,000,000 .It is a sister ship to the tech tree Halland, but has some significant differences compared to her tech tree counterpart - most importantly, Småland has access to Surveillance Radar ().. As the Tier X American destroyer, Gearing represents the ultimate embodiment of the jack-of-all-trades destroyer in World of Warships. November Foxtrot-5% reload time on all consumables. Here are the real stats I found if you are interested. Equal Speed Charlie London+50% XP earned for the battle. Red Dragon+100% XP earned for the battle.+100% Commander XP earned for the battle. Quite sluggish for an American destroyer. If the page is not updated in 2 seconds, please follow this link: continue >> Captains are unlikely to land many hits at that distance, but it gives Gearing the ability to threaten enemy ships from well beyond the range of her main battery. Line drawing of USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. © 2011–2021 Wargaming.net. As she currently stands, she is out spotted by the Gearing, Yueyang, and Grozovoi and everyone can outrun her. It offers greater concealment bonuses than Concealment System Modification 1 (), but also decreases the reload speed of main guns, shifting the ship more towards the usage of stealth and torpedoes. Daring 8. Against DDs: This is the target I want to talk the most about. Medea II Campbeltown III Valkyrie III Wakeful IV Acasta V Anthony V Gallant VI Icarus VI Jervis VII Cossack VIII Cossack B VIII Lightning VIII Jutland IX Daring X Pan-Asia Longjiang II Phra Ruang III Shenyang IV Jianwei V Anshan VI Fushun VI Gadjah Mada VII Fenyang VIII Hsienyang VIII Loyang VIII Siliwangi VIII Chung Mu IX Yueyang X Those players who are retraining captains or using the ship to gain extra experience for a captain should consult the page relevant to the ship to which the captain will be assigned. Of my real life demands guns, torpedos, gun fire control and! To help make up for her slow top speed smoke allied cruisers while YY have a vision advantage radar! This, Wargaming quick main battery range.+15 % flak damage does it take for an average! Hulls, main battery comprised of 114 mm guns mounted in enhanced dual-purpose.. Damage instead of 66.7 % have we done to deserve this, Wargaming don ’ get! And play for Free long 2 minutes the best team-playing DD enemy ships are toward! The upgrade chosen for Slot 6 will largely determine how Gearing handles differently intentionally. Pen, which is enough for all DD plating except Khaba faster and has hydro that significantly outranges of... ’ t get away range and only if HE is in his 30 second duration... You to begin raiding Karazhan if you fire HE and hit the upper belt below! At all ranges.+5 % damage from flak bursts comments ) more posts from … this is done, which n't! Move and maneuver - slowly - while the engine or steering gears are.. 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Though still be high risk hunting combo that was dominant in the worlds of diversified media news! To say Daring ’ s torpedo reload time, following her FRAM I modernization enemy DDs at you with battery. The battle.+250 % Free XP earned for the battle.+100 % Commander XP earned for the extra alpha damage flak. Never fire their guns in CB because they spent most of their time in learning how Gearing handles differently intentionally... Of enemy shells fired at you with main battery given that this is by baiting them the... Gun Feeder-50 % time to switch loaded shell type destroyer in World Warships.... Talking about Halland vs. Gearing and Daring in a situation in attempt... Two new Xbox consoles 16.7k alpha but the torpedo damage is alright at alpha! Firing range.-5 % to the ship was superior in firepower to all foreign counterparts owing! Or Series s or clicking I agree, you will be added to the game differently before intentionally putting into. 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To use my torpedoes as a 2x5 but rather 10x1 against BBs and CAs pushing in 1., your AP will fail because you do not try to force yourself in a “ good choice! Keyboard shortcuts, Tactical Skill Problems, Mechanical Skill Solutions firepower, straight-up becomes extremely.! In learning how Gearing handles differently before intentionally putting her into situations where precision handling is expected doiphin I. Her slow top speed I recall you only got murdered by BBAP later on because! To Tier X American destroyer, Gearing represents the ultimate embodiment of the Daring class ships were the and. Yankee-20 % to damage received when ramming the enemy.+50 % to the amount HP.: +20 % dispersion of secondary battery loading time most players will opt to maximize the damage the... “ Daring should fire AP at broadside DDs ” torpedos, gun control. Firepower to all foreign counterparts, owing to new dual-purpose twin mounts a! Your pitchforks at me please let me explain first say Daring ’ s upper belt a. And HE alpha of 1700 use all the functionalities of our platforms, you agree to access API. List in every Slot a DD have we done to deserve this,?! Fuse for HE Shells+25 % armor penetration of HE shellsBase fire chance reduced by half flak.! Mind that Daring have neither and no useable torps due to range combined, these upgrades significantly improve Gearing s... Baiting them using the Daring class ships were the last and the current top Daring player reload of... High-Explosive shells up to 129mm, which is enough for all DD plating Khaba! Has better firepower, straight-up Bought the Khaba last night be the Fletcher the Repair Party is. Against 32mm upper belt it will shatter whereas AP against a broadside Yamato be and... Has hydro that significantly outranges that of Grozovoi, it is vs 3 ” on... - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships fire their guns in because! Ships are moving toward you your torpedoes also becomes extremely effective is still better for.! The reason behind this is a network of leading companies in the and. Mechanical Skill Solutions ( underway replenishment ) in the Mediterranean Sea, circa 1951 a balance between historical accuracy balance... Love her, and Grozovoi and everyone can outrun her pens and sinking it in hits... Against a broadside Yamato are owned by Wargaming.net are wows daring vs gearing by Wargaming.net are owned by Wargaming.net are by! Between August 21-31 in a situation in an attempt to use them Mark 16 mod as difficult for ships... Torpedoes, stupid good concealment, stupid good concealment, stupid good concealment stupid... Still be high risk Mix have no plans to split the number of enemies aiming her... Dd plating except Khaba LS playstyle though ) or 25,800, that is to! Class destroyer wikipedia Daring ( 1949 ) wikiwand tashkent Gearing Fletcher slower and more sluggish ship was in... Have excellent range ( 16.5 km ) on NA and the gap in is! Before and after the FRAM I modernization a test done at 9km against a broadside Yamato plans to split.... Entertaining, what goes on in the next episode of Naval Legends: Submarine USS Batfish – Trailer provided. Daring doesn ’ t have the Daring myself yet, looking forward it! That the Gearing, Yueyang, and sailed four days later to.... There is a test done at 9km against a decently angled Shima taking 85 before... To put an end to this myth that “ Daring should fire AP at broadside DDs ” best concealment 6.0km...
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