reached incredible 324 million tons (74.8 million tons in China, 36.6 in India, 21.1 in Ukraine, 18.3 in United States and 10.2 in Germany, etc.). Human settlers reached that part of our world around 15 thousand years ago, and managed to domesticate wild potato around 8 millennia BC. Heavy dependence on this potato led to disaster when the blight quickly turned harvest-ready and newly harvested potatoes into a putrid mush. [17] In 1553, in the book Crónica del Peru, Pedro Cieza de León mentions he saw it in Quito, Popayán and Pasto in 1538. Today, extensive research and Potatoes are generally grown from seed potatoes, tubers specifically grown to be free from disease and to provide consistent and healthy plants. amount of people to emigrate out of Ireland (500 thousand left for North America and Australia). And who invented them? Where did potatoes originally come from? Throughout Europe, the most important new food in the 19th century was the potato, which had three major advantages over other foods for the consumer: its lower rate of spoilage, its bulk (which easily satisfied hunger) and its cheapness. I have enquired much into this question, & think I can assure you that plant is not a native of N. ", Dorien Knaap, The W.A. "[15], Europeans in South America were aware of the potato by the mid-16th century, but refused to eat the plant. Scientists believe that sweet potato was domesticated thousands of years ago in Central America. With Help from Colorado • According to Luther Burbank, the Russet Burbank was originated by a Lon D. Sweet of Denver, Colorado, who evidently selected a chance sport, or bud, out of Burbank's variety. The first written mention of the potato is a receipt for delivery dated 28 November 1567 between Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Antwerp. However, the cash crop of the Andean people was chuño: created by letting potatoes freeze overnight, then allowing them to thaw in the morning. gold in Peru. [11] The collection of Contreras became the groundwork for the gene bank of Chilean potatoes at the Austral University of Chile in Valdivia. As a member of the nightshade family, the edible root, or tuber, of the wild potato plant contains a considerable amount of poisonous alkaloid compounds. [41][42] These varieties were mostly grown in small gardens by elderly women, and passed down generation by generation. After Philip II received potatoes from Peru, he sent harvested tubers to the pope, who sent them to the papal ambassador to the Netherlands because he was ill. Clusius indirectly received his tubers from the ambassador; he planted them in Vienna, Frankfurt, and Leyden, and is the person who widely introduced the plant to Europe. The story of potato started around 350 million years ago, when they started to evolve from the poisonous ancestor of the plant nightshade (this family of Potatoes originally came from the Andes in South America (Mann, 2011). America." it came from Ireland". [9] The vessels represented potatoes in three ways: as clear depictions of the vegetable, as embodying a human form (either mutilated or not) or as transition between the two. The prevailing story of the origin of the potato chip starts in Saratoga Springs, New York, a historically affluent and resort community. crop of Europe. The earliest archaeologically verified potato tuber remains have been found at the coastal site of Ancón (central Peru), dating to 2500 BC. The benefits of chuño are plentiful. [7][8] Aside from these remains, the potato is also found in the Peruvian archaeological record as a design influence of ceramic pottery, often in the shape of vessels. where did the potato originate? The potato was important as a high altitude crop that could be freeze-dried into a product called chuno, which looks like a dried prune. Early colonists in Virginia and the Carolinas may have grown potatoes from seeds or tubers from Spanish ships, but the earliest certain potato crop in North America was in Londonderry, New Hampshire in 1719. Where did potato pancakes originate. The potato has since spread around the world and has become a staple crop in many countries. of potato, which were carefully guarded by military guards. For many years, potato was accused for causing leprosy, From that point on, potato slowly started its journey across the continent, but it received great 4 Answers. It is estimated that they were first domesticated between 8000 BC and 5000 BC. [24], It is generally believed that potatoes entered Africa with colonists, who consumed them as a vegetable rather than as a staple starch. How The Sweet Potato Crossed The Pacific Way Before The Europeans Did : The Salt The genes of the root vegetable have a juicy story to tell of trans-oceanic adventure. We dig deep to bring you the history of the spud, as well as some a-mazing recipes. In the beginning, Spanish government used potato as a reliable and easily transported food for their Potatoes tended to become more popular in wartime due to their being able to be stored in the ground. The potato is originally derived from the Andes of South America where Native Americans cultivated potatoes and other tubers by 10,000 years ago in the high Andean mountains of Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador.. In early 1800s, potato became a commonplace crop that was used in entire Europe, but such popularity became severely tested between 1845 and 1849 when Although potatoes had become widely familiar in Russia by 1800, they were confined to garden plots until the grain failure in 1838–39 persuaded peasants and landlords in central and northern Russia to devote their fallow fields to raising potatoes. In the US, this restricts production of seed potatoes to only 15 states out of all 50 states where potatoes are grown. A Map Of Where Your Food Originated May Surprise You : The Salt A new study reveals the full extent of globalization in our food supply. Across most of Northern Europe, where open fields prevailed, potatoes were strictly confined to small garden plots because field agriculture was strictly governed by custom that prescribed seasonal rhythms for plowing, sowing, harvesting and grazing animals on fallow and stubble. The poor should be quite content with this foodstuff. In 1588, botanist Carolus Clusius made a painting of what he called "Papas Peruanorum" from a specimen in the Low Countries; in 1601 he reported that potatoes were in common use in northern Italy for animal fodder and for human consumption. of the French king Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) also contributed by pining potato flowers in her curls, a move that was quickly emulated by noble ladies Peasants along the way adopted the crop, which was less often pillaged by marauding armies than above-ground stores of grain. Potatoes comprised about 10% of the caloric intake of Europeans. [33], In Britain, the potato promoted economic development by underpinning the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. [39] Potatoes are Canada's most important vegetable crop; they are grown commercially in all its provinces, led by Prince Edward Island. military and navy who while using them did not succumb to the scurvy. It was grown for flowers by Rudolph Jakob Camerarius (1588) and others; John Gerard added the first printed picture of the potato to Herball (1597), although he thought that the plant was native to Virginia. [4] Potatoes dating to about 2000 BC have been found at Huaynuma, in the Casma Valley of Peru,[6] and early potatoes dating to 800-500 BC were also uncovered at the Altiplano site of Chiripa on the east side of Lake Titicaca. French Fries, the world's favorite snack, lunch, dinner, and dessert! The vegetables gardens of Surat and Karnataka had potatoes as mentioned in Fyer's travel record of 1675. [9] The fact that the Altiplanos chose to represent the potato in their vessels shows they had great social significance to the people there. Among their numerous discoveries, potato received a very notable attention, and they brought that plant to Europe between the years of 1570 The poor should be quite content with this foodstuff. They are all types of cultivated grasses that … [41] Contreras reciprocated local comunities by genetically improving varieties aimed for small scale agriculture.[42]. [2], Potato was the staple food of most Pre‑Columbian Mapuches, "specially in the southern and coastal Mapuche territories where maize did not reach maturity". This Kartoffelbefehl (potato order) termed the unfamiliar tuber "a very nutritious food supplement." Potatoes originate in North America, they were not grown as a crop in Europe until they were brought back by English and Spanish sailors in the late 16th Century. In 20th century, potato became accepted across entire world as one of the most beloved and produced food sources, effectively becoming the most essential When the potato was taken to Spain, only one variety was taken (Mann, 2011). Twenty years later, potatoes were introduced in Italy and brought back in Spain. Sweet potatoes may seem as American as Thanksgiving, but scientists have long debated whether their plant family originated in the Old or New World. Where did potatoes originate? A similar pattern occurred in England where the potato became the food of the working class. But why is it we compare lazy people to potatoes and why on Earth did some random guy own the trademark rights to such a silly sounding expression? Potato slowly evolved into its current form in the South American Andean highlands between Peru and Bolivia. The blight spread to Europe in the 1840s where, because of an extreme lack of genetic diversity, the potato crops were even more susceptible. In former European colonies of Africa, potatoes were initially consumed only occasionally, but increased production made them a staple in certain areas. Watch Queue Queue. Many researchers believe that the potato’s arrival in northern Europe spelled an end to famine there. Here is the answer to the origination and invention of this potato goodness. In the late 1800s, the modern-day russet potato was born. The potato originated from South America, specifically, the Inca grew it in what is today Peru and Bolivia, and, after the Spanish conquistadors discovered the Incan Empire in the early 1500s, they brought the potato back to Europe, where it eventually found it's way to Ireland. [19], The potato first spread in Europe for non-food purposes. It served as a cheap source of calories and nutrients that was easy for urban workers to cultivate on small backyard plots. ", "A single domestication for potato based on multilocus amplified fragment length polymorphism genotyping", "Potato germplasm collecting expedition to the Guaitecas and Chonos Archipelagos, Chile, 1990", "Descifrando la historia ambiental de los archipiélagos de Aysén, Chile: El influjo colonial y la explotación económica-mercantil republicana (siglos XVI-XIX)", "DNA from herbarium specimens settles a controversy about origins of the European potato", "Columbus's Contribution to World Population and Urbanization: A Natural Experiment Examining the Introduction of Potatoes", "The Cambridge World History of Food- Potatoes (White)", "The Secret History of the Potato – ScienceNOW",, "Containers and Weights of Commercial Fruits, Nuts, and Vegetables", "After 168 Years, Potato Famine Mystery Solved", "Mash hits: the land that spawned the supermarket spud", "Fallece Profesor Andrés Contreras destacado especialista en papas nativas y ex alumno de la UACh",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 21 January 2021, at 21:04. They were most likely domesticated in the Andes … [41] In 1990 he led a potato-hunting expedition to Guaitecas Archipelago,[12] the southern limit of Pre-Hispanic agriculture. "[5] It had widely replaced the turnip and rutabaga by the 19th century. [16], The Spanish had an empire across Europe, and brought potatoes for their armies. (modern-day southern Peru and northwestern Bolivia) managed to prove its usefulness to our ancestors, who cultivated it, nurtured it, and ensured its syphilis, early death, sterility, rampant sexuality, scrofula, narcosis and for destroying the soil where it grew. [16][21][22] At times and places when and where most other crops failed, potatoes could still typically be relied upon to contribute adequately to food supplies during colder years. Share. [35], A lack of genetic diversity from the low number of varieties left the crop vulnerable to disease. After the middle period of the Qianlong era (1735–96) in the Qing dynasty, population increases and a subsequent need to increase grain yields coupled with greater peasant geographic mobility led to the rapid spread of potato cultivation throughout China, and it was acclimated to local natural conditions. T… Jefferson had come across them while he … In Northern Europe there were major crop losses lasting throughout the rest of the 19th century. It spread into France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands and England, and caused huge crop failures in which thousands of people died. The crop slowly spread across Europe, such that, for example, by 1845 it occupied one-third of Irish arable land. The annual potato crop of France soared to 21 million hectoliters in 1815 and 117 million in 1840, allowing a concomitant growth in population while avoiding the Malthusian trap. Favorite Answer. [29] Potatoes were planted in Idaho as early as 1838; by 1900 the state's production exceeded a million bushels (about 27,000 tonnes[31]). Answer Save. By the end of the 18th century, it was cultivated across northern hill areas of India. Such large military and government attention on guarding these potatoes instantly sparked the This new creation was then prepared into a stew, and usually was an addition to a stew. -AshAnswers It was originated in Belgium. [14] Historians speculate that leftover tubers (and maize) were carried ashore and planted: "We think that the potato arrived some years before the end of the 16th century, by two different ports of entry: the first, logically, in Spain around 1570, and the second via the British Isles between 1588 and 1593 ... we find traces of the transport of potatoes travelling from the Canaries to Antwerp in 1567 ... we can say that the potato was introduced there [the Canary islands] from South America around 1562 ... the first written mention of the potato [is] ... a receipt for delivery dated 28 November 1567 between Las Palmas in the Grand Canaries and Antwerp. For many years they regarded this crop for horses and other Along with several other foods that either originated in the Americas or were successfully grown or harvested there, potatoes sustained European populations. It was first eaten on the continent at a Seville hospital in 1573. plant were edible, which was totally unheard off in Europe), and in some cases as downright evil. Andean Indians prepared their potatoes in a variety of ways, such as mashed, baked, boiled, and stewed in ways similar to modern methods. where did corn, oats, rice, and potatoes originate? Relevance. The potato is grown by planting a piece of itself. In 2010 world production of potatoes Ireland in particular, because of the extreme dependence of the poor, especially western Ireland, on this single staple crop, was devastated by the blight's arrival in 1845.[36][37]. Columbus did not personally meet the potato on his overseas journeys. [25] Shipping records from 1567 show that the first place outside of Central and South America where potatoes were grown were the Canary Islands. disease destroyed entire potato production of Ireland. The earliest cultivation records of the sweet potato date to 750 BCE in Peru, although archeological evidence shows cultivation of the sweet potato might have begun around 2500-1850 BCE. [38] During the famine years roughly one million Irish emigrated; this tide was not turned until the 20th century, when Ireland's population stood at less than half of the pre-famine level of 8 million. Potatoes originally came from the Andes mountains of South America.They were introduced into Europe by Spanish explorers in … As a result, potatoes evolved and were bred to be larger so that they could feed more people. The crop slowly spread across Europe, becoming a major staple by mid-century, especially in Ireland. It is not known for certain where it came from but it had been in America from 1843 and may have been imported with guano (fertiliser) from South America. Thus, the first step the Andean farmers made toward domesticating and cultivating it was to select specimens with less poison for replanting. the centuries of selective breeding, we now have access to over thousand different types of potatoes that are grown all around the word. [20] People feared that it was poisonous like other plants the potato was often grown with in herb gardens, and distrusted a plant, nicknamed "the devil's apples", that grew underground. In the mid-19th century, jacket potatoes were sold on the streets by … 1 decade ago. It was 1853, eight years before the beginning of the Civil War. I presume you speak of the Irish potatoe. Scientists at the station even began describing their work using engineering language rather than scientific prose. The Incas learned to dehydrate and mash potatoes into a substance that would store for years called chunu, therefore, potatoes became a staple crop there. Baked Potato History – London – United Kingdom A baked potato is sometimes called a jacket potato in the United Kingdom. The wife During that time, potatoes did not grow well in Italy or Spain and they were bitter and very small. It was discovered by the Spaniards of Pizarro, on the Andean Cordillera, only in … A single acre of potatoes and the milk of a single cow was enough to feed a whole Irish family a monotonous but nutritionally adequate diet for a healthy, vigorous (and desperately poor) rural population. On the other hand, cash-oriented landlords realised that grain was much easier to ship, store and sell, so both grain and potatoes coexisted.[32]. There it was propagated, carried to England as the Irish Potato, then introduced to North America. I presume you speak of the Irish potatoe. After his first voyage to the Americas in 1492, Christopher Columbus took sweet potatoes back home to Europe. Throughout Europe, the most important new food in the 19th century was the potato, which had three major advantages over other foods for the consumer: its lower rate of spoilage, its bulk (which easily satisfied hunger) and its cheapness. France Louis XVI (1754–1793) to encourage mass cultivation of this plant my tricking the population. [25], In higher regions of Rwanda, potatoes have become a new staple food crop. POTATO. Boiled or baked potatoes were cheaper than rye bread, just as nutritious, and did not require a gristmill for grinding. [23], In France, at the end of the 16th century, the potato had been introduced to the Franche-Comté, the Vosges of Lorraine and Alsace. plants eventually evolved not only into potatoes, but also into tobacco, chili peppers, bell peppers and tomatoes). In France, at the end of the 16th century, the potato had been introduced to the Franche-Comté, the Vosges of Lorraine and Alsace. [19] The Dutch potato-starch industry grew rapidly in the 19th century, especially under the leadership of entrepreneur Willem Albert Scholten (1819–92). In the 1950s–1960s, the growth of the French fry industry in New Brunswick led to a focus on developing varieties for the industry. managed to domesticate wild potato around 8 millennia BC. • But Burbank's original potato variety, which was a smooth-skinned long white potato, was still not the slightly rough reticulated-skinned potato that made Idaho famous. Maize is north american, oats is middle eastern, rice is eastern from China. Sadly, local population of those countries looked at potato as absolutely unneeded, weird, poisonous (only roots of the Prior to the 1994 Rwandan genocide, consumption was as high as 153 to 200 kg per year – higher than in any Western European country. The potato has become a symbol of Irish cuisine, but how did that happen? The Andean Indians also prepared a dish called papas secas, which was a process that involved boiling, peeling, and chopping. (Corn, another American crop, played a similar but smaller role in southern Europe.) To be disease free, the areas where seed potatoes are grown are selected with care. During this “Great Starvation” around one million people died from starvation, and forced large [16] For the Spaniards the potato was regarded as a food for the natives: the Spanish conquerors speak most favourably of the potato but they recommend it especially for the natives who have to do the heaviest jobs. In the early 1800s, a strain of potato blight (Phytophthora infestans) known as HERB-1 began to spread in the Americas, especially Central and North America destroying many crops. Potatoes were first cultivated in the mountainous regions of Peru and Bolivia 3000 to 7000 years ago, where they are thought to have originated. If you want to call someone lazy, a time-honoured way to do so would be to call them a “couch potato”. In modern times potatoes have grown in popularity due to their versatility and ability to be used for many different dishes of food. By the 1800s, potatoes were a staple in the homes of Irish families. The plants were from Ireland, so the crop became known as the "Irish potato" Thomas Jefferson says of the white potato, "you say the potatoe is a native of the US. They originated in the eastern European countries of Germany Austria, Russia Still, it was the European Jews who gave potato pancakes their residual oil drip out (Soriano's tip: Paper towels do not soak up extra grease. Only after the 1872 efforts of famous horticulturist Luther Burbank (1849-1926), American potato industry managed to gain some traction. The potato diffused widely after 1600, becoming a major food resource in Europe and East Asia. Aside from these remains, the potato is also found in the Peruvian archaeological record as a design influence of ceramic pottery, often in the shape of vessels. These potatoes were then fermented in order to create toqosh: and ground to a pulp, soaked, and filtered into a starch referred to as almidón de papa. form in the South American Andean highlands between Peru and Bolivia. It was well established as a crop by the mid-20th century [22] and in present-day Africa they have become a vegetable or co-staple crop. The high yields of potato crops allowed even the poorest farmers to produce healthy food with very little resources. [22] Potatoes were introduced to Tibet by the 19th century through the trade route from India.[28]. The spread of the potato It is thought that potatoes were brought back to Europe by silver miners in the 16th century. The Irish Famine in the western and southern parts of Ireland between 1845 and 1849 was a catastrophic failure in the food supply that led to approximately a million deaths from famine and (especially) diseases that attacked weakened bodies, and to massive emigration to Britain, the U.S., Canada and elsewhere. Domestication, spread, and popular usage of the potato in history, "Histoires de légumes" by M. Pitrat and C. Foury, Institut National de la recherche agronomique, 2003, p. 167. It is one of the oldest vegetables known to mankind. important parts of world’s cuisine and the fourth-largest food crop in the entire world (following maize, rice and wheat). Fried potatoes origanated from the south, as did much of fried food such as fried chicken, grids, and white gravy. The potato thus became an important staple crop in northern Europe. [27], In India, Edward Terry mentioned the potato in his travel accounts of the banquet at Ajmer by Asaph Khan to Sir Thomas Roe, the British Ambassador in 1675. French physician Antoine Parmentier studied the potato intensely and in Examen chymique des pommes de terres ("Chemical examination of potatoes") (Paris, 1774) showed their enormous nutritional value. Its high caloric value and wide variety of types enabled it to appear in every cuisine in the world. enabled by Burbank’s discovery of disease resistant potato hybrid, and another hybrid that was used in Ireland to help combat blight epidemic. Anonymous. The Portuguese introduced potatoes, which they called 'Batata', to India in the early seventeenth century when they cultivated it along the western coast. Resorts, inns, restaurants, and spas had begun to crop up alo… British traders introduced potatoes to Bengal as a root crop, 'Alu'. Centuries after they were introduced to Europe and North America, potatoes represent one of the most Scholtencompany: the first Dutch industrial multinational, Summary of dissertation, University of Groningen, 2004, Steven Turner, and Heather Molyneaux, "Agricultural Science, Potato Breeding and the Fredericton Experimental Station, 1912–66. Potato slowly evolved into its current Ireland in 1589 and France in 1600. William L. Langer, "American Foods and Europe's Population Growth 1750–1850", John Komlos, "The New World's Contribution to Food Consumption During the Industrial Revolution. Among many edible crops that emerged at the dawn of modern human civilization and managed to spread across entire world, few managed to distinguish It arrived in Europe sometime before the end of the 16th century by two different ports of entry: the first in Spain around 1570, and the second via the British Isles between 1588 and 1593. Sir Walter Raleigh introduced potatoes to Ireland in 1589 on the 40,000 acres of land near Cork. As colonialists promoted them as a low-cost food, they were also a symbol of domination. Ugent D., S. Pozorski and T. Pozorski. The earliest archaeologically verified potato tuber remains have been found at the coastal site of Ancón (central Peru), dating to 2500 BC. In the Altiplano, potatoes provided the principal energy source for the Inca Empire, its predecessors, and its Spanish successor. The potatoes originally introduced to Europe were quite knobby and unlike the smooth ovals we see today that is a result of cultivators working towards that end. themselves by their ruggedness, storage quality and its nutritional value. Francisco Pizarro was the first Spaniard to see the potato in its original environment (Mann, 2011). survival during the last 10,000 years of our history. Famines in the early 1770s contributed to its acceptance, as did government policies in several European countries and climate change during the Little Ice Age, when traditional crops in this region did not produce as reliably as before. Fried potatoes were first introduced in the United States by Thomas Jefferson in the late 18th century. © 2021 - Vegetable Facts | Privacy Policy | Contact. It was also at least a hundred years after its arrival before the potato came to be accepted in any way as a food in the Mediterranean. Frederick was sometimes known as the Kartoffelkönig ("potato king"). . Before 1910, the crops were stored in barns or root cellars, but, by the 1920s, potato cellars or barns came into use. Watch Queue Queue [16] In France and Germany, government officials and noble landowners promoted the rapid conversion of fallow land into potato fields after 1750. Working class the first step the Andean Indians also prepared a dish called papas secas, was! 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