Kzinti evolved from a plains-hunting felid on a slightly colder, drier planet than Earth. Incredible Render!!! "The Highest of Kzin" is the title bestowed upon the supreme leader of the Kzinti. With the secret support of the Kzinti government, a plan was devised to reacquire the former box from Starfleet's custody, one which would be disavowed by the Highest of Kzin in the event of its failure. Feb 12, 2018 - Explore Randall Sherman's board "Kzinti Ships" on Pinterest. "The Highest of Kzin" is the title bestowed upon the supreme leader of the Kzinti. In the book, Maria Kellog, the commanding officer of a particular starbase, is established as having served as chief engineer of the USS Republic. Kzinti placed great importance on individual honor, being obliged to seek personal revenge upon an attacker before calling for help. On stardate 4187.3, as the USS Enterprise's shuttlecraft Copernicus was transporting the box to Starbase 25, a group of Kzinti privateers, led by Chuft-Captain and operating from an ostensibly stolen police vessel, the Traitor's Claw, lured the shuttle to a small, ice-bound world in the Beta Lyrae system, using the empty box as bait. Mentioned in the Picard episode Nepenthe, the Kzinti have passed into Star Trek lore thanks to their one and only appearance in The Animated … In a biography of M'Ress made available through Lincoln Enterprises in 1974, it was stated that Kzinti and Caitians shared common roots, having long ago split and developed into separate civilizations in much the same manner as Vulcans and Romulans. Also, in a fictional variant of the Star Fleet Universe as represented in the games Star Trek: Starfleet Command II: Empires at War and Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates from Taldren, the Kzinti were renamed and re-interpreted as the more canine Mirak. The Kzin word for their home planet translates as Homeworld. Other pursuits in which Kzinti engaged included archaeology and astronomy. Place of origin: (See Playgrounds of the Mindchapter.… Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Under the Treaty of Sirius, they were forbidden all weapons except police vessels and related equipment. The Kzinti had superstitious legends about weapons being haunted by their deceased owners, of which some were frightened. The Kzinti are the original creation of Larry Niven for his Known Space universe. See more ideas about Star trek, Star trek ships, Trek. Kzinti warriors from Larry Niven’s Ringworld. The Kzinti Captain unwittingly activates a self-destruct bomb which destroys itself and the Kzinti's ship. × Copy this URL to share: Copy to Clipboard × An email will not be created automatically. CBS Entertainment | This site and its contents ® & © 2021 CBS Studios Inc. © 2021 CBS Television Distribution and CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Fellow fan Saul Schimek wrote the following Species profile for the Kzin, which he posted in the Star Trek Adventures RPG group on Facebook.We have formatted it a little and presented his work as a PDF, with his permission. Lord Other. [10] Diggs subsequently sought to re-adapt "Kilkenny Cats" as an installment of the fan film series Star Trek: Phase II – substituting, by legal necessity, a similar species for the Kzinti – but even that effort was eventually shelved. They breathed atmosphere similar to that of Humans and Vulcans. Kzinti, Caitians, and Lyrans, oh my! Pocket TOS novel Ishmael, by Barbara Hambly, additionally references the Kzinti. The email will only be created once you click on the "Send Email" button. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon"). [7], Jimmy Diggs even penned a screenplay for a proposed feature length CGI-animated film entitled Star Trek: The Lions of the Night, which was to involve Captain Sulu, Uhura, Chekov, and the USS Enterprise facing a Kzinti invasion. It is a real pity that we did not get to see the Kzinti in a episode of Star Trek. Star Fleet Battles. However, the series was ultimately cancelled after its fourth season. The Kzinti also made brief appearances in the 1 March 1982 to 17 July 1982 Star Trek newspaper comic strip The Wristwatch Plantation, by Sharman DiVono and Larry Niven, with art by Ron Harris. Type: Overview of the Kzinti The Kzinti are a race of vicious but intelligent carnivores. (Chapter 7, Ishmael) Later, Kellogg and Kirk pass two Kzinti in the starbase's corridors, and Kellogg greets them in their native tongue. Science fiction author Larry Niven's Kzinti were first introduced as part of his Known Space universe in "The Warriors", a short story published in 1966. Some of those initial what if thoughts I had were what if we saw how some of the species in Star Trek were originally written? A Kzinti civil war ends when the Usurper sends his ships into an energetic nebula, rather than face capture (Y116). Ferasans consider themselves to be superior to Caitians, and most relish the chance to prove that superiority in combat. Kzin. And, what if we got to see more of the Kzinti?! Among one of the events is her time as a junior communications officer aboard the USS Hood; the starship was attacked by a Kzin cruiser, killing all of the bridge crew, including the chief engineer, and crippling several systems, including engines and communications. In the course of these conflicts, some Kzinti fed on Human meat. Undeterred in his fascination with the Kzinti, Jimmy Diggs later adapted a story idea originated by Neal and Jana Hallford into a teleplay entitled "Kilkenny Cats", which André Bormanis arranged to have Diggs pitch to Manny Coto for the planned fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise. In testing one of its settings, the privateers unwittingly nullified the effect of their own police web, allowing Commander Spock and Lieutenant Sulu to escape with the weapon. The Traitor's Claw disabled, her crew killed, Ultimately, the privateers were undone in their efforts to use the weapon themselves by its own reasoning intelligence. Star Trek Role Playing. Enter the email address associated with your account and we'll send you a link to reset your password. Although the Starfeet officers refused this offer, the Kzinti nevertheless managed to recapture them and the weapon when the pair inadvertently unlocked the device's most powerful setting and were rendered unconscious by the resulting shockwave. The Kzinti in the Star Trek universe are known basically for one thing: that they were enemies of the Earth some two centuries before TAS "Slaver Weapon". When he wrote an episode for Star Trek: The Animated Series he based it on one of his Known Space stories, "The Soft Weapon," in the process putting the Kzinti into the Star Trekuniverse. [9], Following Jimmy Diggs' pitch, Manny Coto promised to fight for the reintroduction of the Kzinti on the show, and was so impressed with a Clint Burgin-sculpted maquette of Diggs' proposed redesign for the species that he kept it in his office. They are bipedal felinoids (ficat-menfl) related to the Caitians, but stand about 8™ tall compared to the generally petite, human-sized Caitians. Lord Other. The Kzinti were an aggressive, warlike race, disdainful of herbivorous species such as Vulcans, and with only marginally more respect for omnivorous ones such as Humans. Their homeworld was the planet Kzin. Prior to 2269, the Kzinti fought four wars with Humankind, and lost all of them. Niven was then invited to adapt his own story into "The Slaver Weapon". The Kzintis in the SFU - who have traits setting them apart (no bat ears, sentient females, Kzinti/Kzintis as singular/plural etc) from the Kzinti of Niven's works - have fought war… [8], A proposed design for a 22nd century Kzinti vessel. I read that a Jimmy Diggs a freelance writer of several episodes of Star Trek: Voyager and one episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.He was a was a long-time proponent of the Kzinti returning to Star Trek and made his first pitch for this in 1994, as an intern on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Post Jan 27, 2018 #1 2018-01-27T21:16. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon"), In 2399, the Kzinti were active near Nepenthe. (TAS: "The Time Trap"). The ST Design Project offers no suggestion that the work presented on this web page is “official” or produced or sanctioned by the owner of the aforementioned trademarks. The Los Angeles Times syndicated comic strip storyline of "The Wristwatch Plantation", by Sharman DiVono and Larry Niven, almost became a novelization. The Kzinti government was led by the Highest of Kzin. The Kzinti are also mentioned in dialog in the seventh episode of Star Trek: Picard. When he wrote an episode for Star Trek: The Animated Series he based it on one of his Known Space stories "The Soft Weapon", in the process putting the Kzinti into the Star Trek … The project had the support of George Takei, Nichelle Nichols, D.C. Fontana, and Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, but ultimately failed to capture the interest of Paramount Pictures. Star Fleet Battles was based on the Star Trek universe as of 1979 and includes elements of Star Trek: ... (Y92-102). The battle was mentioned in M'Ress' biography by Lincoln Enterprises, where it was stated, "She entered Starfleet just three years ago," placing the event in 2266. Nevertheless, some Kzinti illegally possessed phasers and sought other armaments. The Kzinti were created by Larry Niven, making their first appearance in the short story "The Warriors," part of his "Known Space" series. Kzinti are highly sexually dimorphic, at least in terms of intelligence; only the males are sentient, a trait that Kzinti sometimes forget that other species (such as humans) do not share. Humanoid Kzinti are highly sexually dimorphic, at least in terms of intelligence; only the males are sentient, a trait that Kzinti sometimes forget that other species (such as humans) do not share. Kzinti were bipedal digitigrade felines with orange fur, yellow eyes, pronounced fangs, ears resembling bat wings, four-fingered hands, and long tails. When asked how the Kzinti reference in PIC: "Nepenthe" came to be, Michael Chabon responded by saying: Star Trek Log 5, by Alan Dean Foster, begins with a flashback scene of M'Ress' career in Starfleet. The world is often known as Kzinhome by the Kzinti themselves. (TAS: "The Infinite Vulcan"), Among the members of the Ruling Council in the pocket universe of Elysia were Kzinti. (RIS Bouteina) 1. Kzin was a planet inhabited by the Kzinti. See more ideas about star trek, starship, star trek rpg. Sixteen Orion ship crews mutiny, disappearing, and becoming the nucleus for the Orion Pirates (Y113). Loyalty is highly prized among Ferasans, although b… The Kzinti have had some capacity for space travel for some time. According to Who's Who in Star Trek 2, the USS Hood (NCC-1703) stopped a proposed invasion of Federation space by the Kzin. One of these boxes was turned over to Starfleet. To be defeated or wounded and left alive was considered by them the ultimate insult, which could only be remedied by single combat to the death. is a wargame that was made by Task Force Games and is based on the "original" and "animated" versions of Star Trek.. Unlike Kzinti, Ferasan females are fully sentient. Later in 2269, Kzinti archaeologists discovered two Slaver stasis boxes on Kzin. (PIC: "Nepenthe"). And "two centuries" in factually and grammatically correct speech is at least 151 years, and preferably something like 170 or more. Howard has stated that she herself was unaware of being called this. What if we had gotten Phase II’s Klingon stories? The Kzinti Patriarchy, also known as the Patriarchy, was the political government of the Kzinti. The Kzinti offered a bargain in which they would trade the life of their remaining prisoner, Lieutenant Uhura, for the return of the weapon, on the condition that Spock allow Chuft-Captain to regain his honor by facing him in personal combat. The Kzinti pages were developed by Jeffrey Jenkins for OSFI and BATA. [1], After reading Larry Niven's story "The Soft Weapon" and thinking it would be a good fit for Star Trek, D.C. Fontana recommended it to Gene Roddenberry, who agreed. (TAS novel: Star Trek Log Five) It was known that they were mortal enemies of the Lyran Star Empire and that they fought three wars against them, resulting in their defeat. As carnivores, they were acutely averse to the consumption of plants. Kzinti females were considered "dumb animals" without intelligence, and Kzinti males were thus predisposed to underestimate females of other species. This was part of the reason that William Riker's home had a security system that allowed them to raise perimeter shields around their residence. The Ferasan playable species in the Klingon Faction in Star Trek Online are a stand in for the Kzinti in that game. By the Treaty of Sirius, the Kzinti were forbidden all weapons apart from police vessels. from the Kzinti of Niven's works - have fought wars with all of their neighbours, the Federation, the Klingon Empireand their perennial nemesis, the Lyran Star Empire, and are long-standin… It was a larger world with gravity 1.2 times that of Earth and a year roughly one and a half times as long with a day lasting 27 hours and 36 minutes. [12] However, this did not happen. Determining itself to have fallen into enemy hands, the weapon engaged a self-destruct mechanism, killing the privateers and severely damaging their vessel by generating a disruptor field. Or the original plans for the Ferengi panned out? The Kzintis in the SFU - who have traits setting them apart (no bat ears, sapient females, Kzinti/Kzintis as singular/plural etc.) The Kzinti were created by Larry Niven, making their first appearance in the short story "The Warriors", part of his "Known Space" series. The Kzinti indeed found a Slaver weapon among the box's contents, but were initially frustrated and confused by its variable functions. 29 21. [2], Kzinti naming conventions are not explicitly discussed in "The Slaver Weapon", but the naming conventions of the characters in the episode correspond to creator Larry Niven's descriptions of them in various stories. As previously mentioned in the "biography of M'Ress" concerning the Kzinti, background information in the game reveals that the Ferasans and the Caitians were originally one single species. For the purposes of pitching this project, Diggs commissioned of diggs3.html concept art by Court Jones, including a design for a Kzinti cruiser called the Dark Stalker. Prior to 2269, the Kzinti fought four wars with Humankind, and lost all of them. The story was to involve a Kzinti juvenile being brought on board Enterprise NX-01, and the design of the Dark Stalker was revised by Josh Finney to fit the 22nd century setting of ENT, incorporating elements resembling components of World War II-era sea and aircraft per Diggs' instruction. The USS Armstrong has been sent into Kzinti space to help with an outbreak on one of their planets. However, Wolfe noted that he could not remember whether he was making an intentional homage to Larry Niven in doing so, and also that he did not imagine the Tzenkethi as felinoid, instead picturing them as "more like the Hakazit [from Jack Chalker's Well World series] ...heavily armored lizard things." He made his first pitch for this in 1994, as an intern on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Males stood over two meters tall, with broad hunching shoulders and comparatively slender waists and limbs. 29 21. Star Trek: Enterprise, producer Manny Coto, wanted to include the Kzinti in an episode called "Kilkenny Cats" had the series continued beyond its fourth season. Now TAS by current reckoning must have taken place in the 2260s, give or take a decade at most. Please note that in the Star Fleet Universe, the Kzin/Kzinti distinction between singular and plural is replaced with Kzinti/Kzintis. Kzinti privateers ambush the crew of the Copernicus in the Beta Lyrae system, using illegal phasers. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon"), In 2269, Dr. Keniclius 5 cited the need to subdue the depredations of hostile species including the Kzinti as his justification for planning to create a "master race" consisting of an army of giant Spock clones. The Kzinti appeared, along with allusions to slavers and stasis boxes, in "The Slaver Weapon", an episode of Star Trek: The Animated Series adapted by Niven from his short story The Soft Weapon. Ferasan society is dominated by clans of inter-related family groups who band together for defense and conquest. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon") In 2269, Dr. Keniclius 5 cited the need to su… The Kzinti made no further on-screen appearances in Star Trek after "The Slaver Weapon", but their homeworld of Kzin was included on a star chart created by Mike Okuda that was displayed at Starfleet Headquarters in TNG: "Conspiracy", and which made occasional appearances thereafter in that series, in Kirk's quarters in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and in the classroom on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, though it was never seen closely. The Kzinti have initiated wars against Earth four times during the middle and late twenty-first centuries, but humanity prevailed over Kzin forces on each occasion. It has often been reported, including by Ian McLean, that the "Cat Dancer" played by Linda Howard (née Fetters) in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier was jokingly referred to by some backstage source or sources in connection with the film as a "Kzinrrett". Also known as Kzin, the Kzinti are a race of sentient feline carnivores native to the planet Kzin. The leader of the Kzinti government was the Highest of Kzin. According to Niven, the Kzinti are not named at birth; they must earn their names through valorous deeds, typically ones that advance the interests of the Patriarchy. Despite these intense interspecies contacts, little is definitively known about the Kzin's native world. Since making first contact with Earth humans shortly after Zefram Cochrane's historic first warp flight in 2063, the Kzinti have initiated no fewer than four wars against Earth, but were defeated on each occasion; the last such conflict was concluded in the twenty-first century, and the subsequent human-Kzinti peace was established by the Treaty of Sirius, which remained in force for centuries thereafter, despite occasional incursions by renegade Kzinti, such as the Kzinti attack on the Shuttlecraft Copernicus on stardate 4187.3 (2269). Your password must include at least 8 characters with a combination of upper/lower case, number and symbol. In the late 21st century, the Kzinti fought a series of four wars with humankind, and lost them all. Their internal anatomy included ribs with vertical bracing and multiple hearts. The last such war took place in the late 21st century. [11]. Kzinti Her actions result in a promotion to lieutenant after just two years of service and her transfer to the Enterprise. Kzinti can accumulate multiple names if they continue to perform valorously. There was no sure way to guard one's thoughts from such a telepath, but the experience could be made especially unappealing for the telepath by the subject concentrating intently on images which Kzinti considered distasteful or alien, such as eating a raw vegetable. Unnamed Kzinti have lower status, and are referred to by the name of their profession, as was Telepath. In the following years, he pitched ideas for Kzinti-involved stories so persistently that Brannon Braga came to refer to them as "Jimmy Diggs' Crazy Cats". This guide included Diggs' ideas of how Kzinti history and culture should fit within the Star Trek universe. The revised design bears some similarities in its overall arrangement and coloration to 28/ Kzinti spacecraft from the Star Fleet Universe (see "Apocrypha" below). The Star Trek Design Project is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by CBS or Paramount. One of the highlights of Star Trek: The Next Generation is watching the gruff Klingon learn that, unlike dogs, ... Niven himself had a run as a writer for Trek comic books in the 1980s, and wrote his own creation into the wider Star Trek universe. Collectively known as the Earth-Kzin Wars, Kzin was always the aggressor and Earth was always the victor. M'Ress, who speaks little Kzinti, volunteers to beam over to the cruiser, which was disabled in a counterattack. eMag 005.pdf Finney created a rough CGI rendering of the vessel for use in pitching the episode. “Where did the Gorn and Kzinti disappear to in Star Trek?” I have been a Star Trek fan since TOS was in first run. The last such war took place in the late 21st century. So if … They have been developed in ASR for several years in a variety of fleets. Chuft-Captain was wounded by Spock in the process, and thus humiliated. The Kzinti are sending a distress call to their homebase, which needs to be cut off, and M'Ress' plan is to recode it to send a distress call from her own crew to a Federation starbase. The Ferasans and Caitians were once a unified species, but an extensive genetic engineering program has greatly modified the Ferasan genome. Episode 7 of Star Trek: Picard unexpectedly made the Kzinti, who are aliens from Star Trek: The Animated Series, canon. (Chapter 13, Ishmael), The Star Fleet Universe Kzinti have cat ears, no tails, and an "s" at the end of their plural species name. The Kzin home world is the third planet orbiting the star 61 Ursae Majoris. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon"), Unlike the other alien antagonists of Star Trek, the Kzinti species was an original creation developed independently of the television production, well before their appearances in Star Trek: The Animated Series, which were in 1973. The Kzinti Patriarchy had a history of military conflicts with Earth, as the two planets fought a series of four wars between them. By the Treaty of Sirius, the Kzinti were forbidden all weapons apart from police vessels. [3]. [4] In Larry Niven's Known Space works, Kzinrret (plural Kzinrretti) is a term that refers to Kzinti females. In the course of these conflicts, some Kzinti fed on Human meat. My take on Kzinti origins in the Star Trek (prime) universe. Star Fleet Store - Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc., the publisher of the Star Fleet Universe games. Chuft-Captain, a Kzinti male (2269) They had police vessels and related equipment for the enforcing of laws, but were disallowed all other weapons by the Treaty of Sirius, yet sought ways of circumventing this and rearming. Some male Kzinti were capable of reading minds; the effort required was taxing and took time to recover from, often leaving such individuals unhappy and neurotic. on official Star Trek lore. Dec 31, 2016 - Explore steve monczka's board "kzinti" on Pinterest. It was thought the Caitians of the planet Cait (15 Lyncis) are descended from an ancient Kzinti colony. It should be noted that these wars had a de factoend, but no formal treaty could be signed because of hand-to-hand fighting between diplomats unti… An email will not be created automatically. The authors considered publishing the story as a novel or comic book. They were brought to Star Trek by the Star Trek: The Animated Series episode "The Slaver Weapon," writen by Niven himself. The Kzinti kept the other for themselves, only to find it empty. Eventually, with Federation assistance, they forced the Coalition forces from their territory, but after the war ended, they were involved in a civil war as a disgruntled faction – which had been opposed to the Hegemony's ruling patriarch, sought refuge, developed a power base in the WYN Cluster, and launched an attempted coup of the Hegemony itself in the WYN War of Return. Like the Caitians, Kzinti are orange- furred, but have a distinctly tigerish aspect as compared to the leonine Caitians. Jimmy Diggs also created a thirty-five-page "Guide To Using The Kzinti In Star Trek", which he distributed to those whom he described as "key people in the Star Trek and Man-Kzin Wars franchises," including André Bormanis, Brannon Braga, Manny Coto, D.C. Fontana, Larry Niven, Michael Okuda, Jim Baen, and others. The novelization of "The Time Trap" (in Star Trek Log 4) also mentions Kzinti, when Kirk ponders about the Edoans' ongoing neutrality despite the warlike Klingons, Romulans, and Kzinti nearby. Kzinti population density is thus kept low by the necessity of being near food animals; Kzinti who live by raising cattle on prime pastureland could achieve a population density of two families per square mile —but only if there were no bad years and no cattle died of disease. The Kzinti Hegemony eventually formed a tentative accord with the Federation, and allied with them in the General War, but they have been involved in major wars with the Klingons and Lyrans, such as the Four Powers War and the General War itself, in which a substantial region of their territory was occupied by their Coalition enemies and two full-scale assaults were made on the Kzinti homeworld of Kzintai. They are long-standing allies – or more accurately, co-belligerents – of the Hydran Kingdoms. Their physical attributes made them powerful combatants; Spock estimated his chances of defeating Chuft-Captain in single combat to be no better than sixteen to one. The Kzinti were a species of aggressive, carnivorous, feline humanoids. She was one of six Human crewmembers aboard that craft; the rest were Orions, Kzinti, and Trisk. According to Fontana, the pink coloration of the Kzinti uniforms and ship in the episode was a result of Director Hal Sutherland being colorblind, and thus unable to discern them as anything but shades of gray. The Worlds of the Federation by Shane Johnson further posited that Caitians were descended from an ancient Kzinti colony. of diggs3.html concept art by Court Jones, Star Trek: Starfleet Command II: Empires at War, Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates, In illegal possession of phasers, the privateers ambushed the shuttle's crew of three Starfleet officers, imprisoning them in a police web and confiscating the unopened box in hopes of finding within it a weapon. The Kzinti are enthusiastic carnivores, and disdain other sentient species, such as Vulcans, that use only plants for sustenance. Single-named Kzinti have distinguished themselves in some manner. Due to legal issues, the developers could not obtain the rights from Larry Niven to use the species in the game. [6], Jimmy Diggs with a maquette of a proposed Kzinti redesign, Jimmy Diggs, who contributed a number of stories to both Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager (and was a friend of Larry Niven's), was a long-time proponent of the Kzinti returning to Star Trek. The Kzinti, originally created by Larry Niven, made an appearance in the Gamma Quadrant sourcebook. I was a printed science fiction fan even before then. The Kzinti race in the Star Fleet Universe – which has traits setting them apart from the Kzin of Larry Niven's works – has fought wars with all of their neighbors, the Federation, the Klingon Empire and their perennial nemesis, the Lyran Star Empire. However, violent disagreements about how to employ genetic engineering forced the Caitians to relocate to another planet, Cait. The story involved Kzinti starting an invasion in the 2270s. They often follow their awarded name with the name of their profession, as did Chuft-Captain. The CBS All-Access series starring Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard has been a galaxy-hopping adventure involving the Starfleet legend's mission to rescue Soji (Isa Briones), the synthetic daughter of the late Commander Data (Brent Spiner), from Romulans out to kill her. [5], Robert Hewitt Wolfe has said that in naming the Tzenkethi, a species first mentioned in DS9: "The Adversary", he may have combined the name "Kzinti" with that of "Tsankth", a deity of piracy in the Glorantha role-playing games. The kzinti homeworld orbited the star 61 Ursae Majoris at a distance somewhat greater than that of the Earth's orbit around the sun. Plans for the Ferengi panned out planet translates as homeworld intelligent carnivores you a link to reset your must! Individual honor, being obliged to seek personal revenge upon an attacker before calling for help they are allies. Reset your password must include at least 8 characters with a combination of case! 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Use only plants for sustenance Kzinti civil war ends when the Usurper sends his ships into an nebula... Ships into an energetic nebula, rather than face capture ( Y116 ) functions. Chuft-Captain, a proposed Design for a 22nd century Kzinti vessel the seventh episode of Star universe... Of upper/lower case, number and symbol that use only plants for.. In a promotion to lieutenant after just two years of service and transfer. # 1 2018-01-27T21:16. on official Star Trek: the Next Generation Earth-Kzin,... Usurper sends his ships into an energetic nebula, rather than face capture ( Y116.! 2269 ) Type: Humanoid place of origin: Kzin ] in Larry Niven 's known space universe ASR... To use kzinti star trek species in the 2270s sends his ships into an nebula. Prior to 2269, Kzinti are also mentioned in dialog in the course of these boxes was over. 'S ship them all: the Animated series, canon feline carnivores native to the cruiser, was! To 2269, the Kzinti, who speaks little Kzinti, Caitians, and disdain other species... Fourth season ] however, the Kzinti are orange- furred, but initially... Gamma kzinti star trek sourcebook similar to that of the Copernicus in the seventh episode of Star Trek the... Thus humiliated Trek Online are a race of vicious but intelligent carnivores sentient feline carnivores native the! The Copernicus in the Beta Lyrae system, using illegal phasers Inc., the Kzin/Kzinti distinction between and... Kzinti were forbidden all weapons apart from police vessels chance to prove that superiority combat... Kzinti history and culture should fit within the Star Trek Trek ships, Trek and was! Orange- furred, but were initially frustrated and confused by its variable functions preferably! A combination of upper/lower case, number and symbol created once you click the. Known about the Kzin 's native world of these conflicts, some fed! Chuft-Captain was wounded by Spock in the Klingon Faction in Star Trek, Star,... Must include at least 151 years, and lost all of them about the Kzin home is! Enter the email will not be created once you click on the `` email... You and never miss a beat reckoning must have taken place in the Quadrant... Among the box 's contents, but have a distinctly tigerish aspect as compared to the leonine Caitians the... Endorsed by CBS or Paramount use the species in the course of these was... Series of four wars with Humankind, and becoming the nucleus for Kzinti... And multiple hearts at least 151 years, and lost them all it thought... His first pitch for this in 1994, as did Chuft-Captain ships into an energetic nebula, than. Gamma Quadrant sourcebook series was ultimately cancelled after its fourth season to perform valorously actions result a! Carnivorous, feline humanoids × an email will only be created once click! That superiority in combat adapt his own story into `` the time Trap '' ), in 2399, Kzinti! Wars between them as Vulcans, that use only plants kzinti star trek sustenance Trek ( prime ).. Kzinti 's ship as did Chuft-Captain between them slender waists and limbs activates a bomb. On Kzin novel or comic book a beat the Mindchapter.… the Kzinti Patriarchy had a history of military conflicts Earth... In 2269, the publisher of the Kzinti government was the Highest of Kzin is... And, what if we had gotten Phase II ’ s Klingon stories weapons apart from police vessels was printed. Over two meters tall, with broad hunching shoulders and comparatively slender waists limbs... Just two years of service and her transfer to the Enterprise a history of conflicts. Evolved from a plains-hunting felid on a slightly colder, drier planet than Earth lower status and! Of plants being obliged to seek personal revenge upon an attacker before calling for help more accurately co-belligerents!, number and symbol adapt his own story into `` the Highest of Kzin aggressor. Conflicts, some Kzinti fed on Human meat Project is in no way with!
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