In August 2015, ITF Australia coordinator, and fourth-generation seafarer, Dean Summers swum the English Channel to raise money for a charity that supports seafarers. Please email or visit our ITF Seafarers Support Facebook page. Kimberly Karlshoej, leading shipping figure has been appointed as new Head of The ITF Seafarers' Trust, a major funder of seafarers' welfare.. Kimberly Karlshoej is well known as a founder and, until recently, Director and Programme Officer of The TK Foundation, the Trust named after her father, J Torben Karlshoej, who founded the Teekay Corporation. "But we need to keep shipping operating to move our imports and exports to support our economic and social welfare.". They couldn[t cook, had no air conditioning and were d enied medical help. It said it had detained 11 ships since July for breaches of the Maritime Labour Convention, including the systemic underpayment of workers and failure to provide decent working conditions. The ITF, FNV Havens, Nautilus NL and ver.di have recently filed legal proceedings to enforce the clause. 'As proud affiliates of IFSMA and the ITF, Nautilus welcomes their efforts to get crew changes moving and is ready to work with anyone seeking to get our members home or back to work. ISWAN referred the case to government contacts in India and Bangladesh, and encouraged the seafarers to register their complaint on the website and DG Commcentre in Mumbai and Bangladesh. Further copies of Seafarers[ Bulletin (published in English, Arabic, Chinese, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish All rights reserved. This Convention revises and consolidates 37 existing Conventions and the related Recommendations. Compliant … HRAS spoke to him after this marathon effort to find out why he dedicates his life to seafarers’ well-being. However, the safety imperative is conditional — if dockers from an ITF-affiliated union are not available, the clause says lashing can be carried out by crew, subject to ITF permission. The centre had dealt with an increase in mental health issues among workers including loneliness and isolation. We also work with charities such as the Mission to Seafarers. If you are working on a fishing vessel and would like assistance, The ITF has more than 140 Inspectors and contacts in over 50 countries who can provide assistance if you have a problem. They fought for their rights.” Repeated attempts by the ITF to contact and call on the flag state, Comoros, to intervene were ignored. Mr Summers said the coronavirus pandemic had increased mental health problems among seafarers. ... 7 c) Closure of ITF’s Sydney Seafarers Centre Dean Summers (ITF) talked about the closure of the ITF Sydney Seafarers Centre, ultimately due to the centre running at a loss. The ITF has called on the Federal Government to create a special taskforce to investigate issues surrounding crew changeovers. "AMSA's enforcement of matters, such as compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 and port and flag state control inspections, as well as its practical approach to crew changes and time at sea, will continue to uphold Australia's international obligations on seafarer pays and conditions," the spokesperson said. Fishers’ Assistance, If you are working on a fishing vessel and would like assistance Please provide as much information as possible when contacting us. Australia's ports are being kept open by "slavery", a transport workers' union says, with seafarers forced to spend up to 18 months at sea after being "cajoled, sometimes bribed, very often threatened". ILO said the member states failed to cooperate […] To report an incident of cargo handling or lashing/unlashing by seafarers. Purpose The Shipowner sets a high value to the rights of seafarers to have a fair and reas onable hearing when filing complaints … Meanwhile, crew changeover costs are continuing to soar An ITF survey in September found 30 per cent of seafarers weren’t getting the medical assistance they needed while 59 per cent were being forced to … A wide-ranging study carried out by Yale University and commissioned by the Seafarers Trust has identified dangerously high levels of mental stress among seafarers – but also recommended how they can be reduced.. After questioning seafarers across the world the researchers found that within the previous two weeks 25 percent of them had suffered depression and 17 percent had experienced … We are very happy to help you with this and will not contact the copmany unless you specifically ask us to. The new Guidelines, developed by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), can be downloaded from the ICS and ITF websites. When contacting the ITF for assistance please ensure you provide the following information will help us to deal with your issue more effectively: © 2021 International Transport Workers’ Federation. Four ships in three weeks have docked off WA carrying coronavirus. 3.1. It found that within the previous two weeks of completing the survey a quarter of them had suffered depression, 17 percent had experienced anxiety and 20 percent had contemplated suicide or self-harm. Vessel information (Vessel name, IMO No, Flag and Company) are reproduced by kind permission of Lloyds Register Fairplay. Mr Summers said Australia's huge export market for products such as iron ore and coal, as well as its geography as an island nation, meant it was particularly at risk of disruptions to sea shipping. Sea views: ITF applauds UAE ban on ships from ten countries. Continuing to accept this is providing governments with an excuse and risks seafarers becoming collateral damage in the fight against the virus. We have published the first annual review for ISWAN, including 2018-19 statistics from our international helpline for seafarers and their families, SeafarerHelp.. ISWAN is an international, non-governmental, membership organisation and UK-registered charity, which works to promote and support the welfare of seafarers all over the world. Please email Interestingly, a similar desire was voiced in The Manpower Report [17], although here it was less significant than other complaints and wishes of seafarers. Both port state control and ITF inspectors have reported numerous breaches of the MLC. In the ITF Seafarers’ Trust survey of 2016 it was reported that 90% of respondents listed access to internet facilities as the most important of port-based welfare services [34]. If you cannot reach an ITF inspector, you can contact our dedicated seafarers’ support team. The ITF has called on the Federal Government to create a special taskforce to investigate issues surrounding crew changeovers. Seafarers can complain if the MLC has not been followed. Seafarers’ health must be at the top of shipping’s agenda after COVID-19. In this manner, it sets out, in a single instrument, the right of the world’s 1.5 million seafarers to decent conditions of work in almost every aspect of their working and living con… The Mission to Seafarers Gladstone general manager Jessica Mulhall said approximately 60,000 ship workers came through the port every year and the charity helped up to 16,000 of them, but this year fewer than 6,000 had used the centre's services. The complaint relates to the Non-Seafarers’ Work Clause (NSWC) in the IBF Collective Bargaining Agreement. "But there is no international collation of those figures and it just shows you what the world thinks of international seafarers.''. Dozens of Bulkers Remain Stranded off China as Coal Standoff Drags On. If you have any queries, please email or visit the Training on Board website. ITF seafarers' section chair Dave Heindel explained: "Although the ITF is delighted that the convention is now in force, there is a clear need for a critical evaluation of its implementation and enforcement. The Non-Seafarers’ Work Clause does not violate EU competition law. Before you sign-up to work on a ship you should check what the conditions are on board – please use the search fields at the bottom of this page to look up a vessel. Complaints. There were also cases of … Does the complaint relate to any of the following matters - Recruitment and Placement Services (Manning Agency) Seafarers Employment Agreement Payment of Wages ShipoHours of Work or Hours of Rest Entitlement to Leave Repatriation Accommodation Facilities Recreational Facilities Food, Water and Catering Medical Care On board and Ashore Other For further information relating to the ITF’s Health and Wellbeing programme, or if you have a particular question. The Office has also received information about hundreds of individual seafarers’ complaints which have been sent directly by the seafarers concerned or transmitted by the She said many "desperate" seafarers had not had a break since the worldwide pandemic began. All images courtesy ITF Seafarers’ Trust. ITF insisted that the NSWC did not violate EU competition law. A complaint has been submitted by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) about the Argentine government violating ILO conventions in its interference in the affairs of the Sindicato de Obreros Maritimos Unidos (SOMU) union. ITF sharing more MLC complaints information with AMSA and enhance outcomes to the seafarer. Whenever possible, try to contact an ITF Inspector or a trade union before the vessel arrives into port to enable the Inspector or a trade union officer to be better prepared to assist you. Each country may have its own laws and policies relating to the implementation of welfare provisions. You find out more about the ITF here: and what the ITF Seafarers Section does here International work helped to create the Maritime Labour Convention or MLC (find out more he re) We also participate in important work through the International Maritime Organisation, which is … "If those ships stop inside ports, then those ports are rendered useless and other ships can't come and go. S.S.T Seafarers Support(ITF), represents the interests of marine transport workers in issues pertaining jobs, employment conditions or safety in the transport industry.We work closely with International Maritime Organization (IMO) and employees for grievance addressal and placement. "Not to the extent that's required — we can't crew change as many as we want to — but at least they're working towards alleviating the problem.". A Seafarers’ Bill of Rights An ITF Guide for Seafarers to the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Published by: The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) ... making complaints. "Maritime Safety Queensland is working through these enormous problems … and finding ways to get seafarers back home and taking a bit of pressure off," Mr Summers said. If you are a seafarer and need help in a crisis, you can contact our free, confidential, 24-hour helpline, SeafarerHelp, for guidance and support. Flag State is responsible for ensuring that shipowners extend its MLC implementation provisions to seafarers on ships that fly its flag. Training on Board is funded by the ITF Seafarers' Trust. Cost of repatriation is deterring crew changes, say seafarers Complaints are surfacing on private social media platforms that some shipowners are failing to make enough effort to repatriate seafarers working beyond the end of their contracts. ITF SEAFARERS’ BULLETIN no.31/2017 Published in 2017 by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), 49/60 Borough Road, London SE1 1DR, United Kingdom. If you would like to report a crewing/manning agent for charging fees for employment on board a vessel or a fake job scam. Please email, The ITF has more than 140 Inspectors and contacts in over 50 countries who can provide assistance if you have a problem. The ITF wants to see wider promotion and enforcement of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and International Labour Organization (ILO) Guidelines on the Fair Treatment of Seafarers in the event of a maritime accident, which were adopted in 2006. "Slavery and threatening seafarers is keeping our ports open at the moment and the Federal Government's got to do something," he said. Fres h food supplied by the ITF or the Indian embassy didn[t keep long beca use of electrical blackouts. To report an incident of cargo handling or lashing/unlashing by seafarers. ITF Seafarers’ Trust head takes up consultancy role July 31, 2017. 'As proud affiliates of IFSMA and the ITF, Nautilus welcomes their efforts to get crew changes moving and is ready to work with anyone seeking to get our members home or back to work. Procedures availability for seafarers The complaints procedure P-05 is available for all crewmembers in the ILO Booklet on board, kept usually in the mess-room or other freely available by all crewmember place, but furthermore its copy is given to seafarers by signing on in addition to a copy of their seafarers ¶ employment agreement. In February 2006, at the 10th Maritime Session, the 94th ILC adopted the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) . This is what goes on at Australian ports when a contaminated ship docks. Seafarers had reported physical and mental exhaustion, anxiety and sickness after spending months on board ship during the pandemic. Green lanes allow seafarers to disembark from their ships, transit through airports and return to their homelands to enable incoming crews to return. The results could be fatal,” Arrachedi further said. Please provide as much information as possible when contacting us. ISWAN is currently developing the information available on the site, by adding extra tips and workout plans, and by launching a monthly newsletter packed with fitness information for seafarers. Shortly after the establishment of the organisation, German seafarers withdrew from the ITF, and British trade unions concentrated entirely on founding a national transport organisation. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. SEAFARERS’ SECTION For further information relating to the work of the ITF Seafarers’ Section and our affiliated seafarer unions working with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), International Labour Organisation (ILO), the International Chamber of Shipping and other international organisations. Please email, Cargo Handling/Lashing For further information relating to the work of the ITF Dockers’ section and our affiliated dockworker unions. The crew wanted to be paid and repatriated, so we referred the case to a number of contacts who might be able to assist, including the ITF Seafarers Support team and ISWAN South Asia. The complaint, which the ITF said it had heard about via the media, related to the Non-Seafarers’ Work Clause (NSWC) in the IBF Collective Bargaining Agreement. Liberia is committed to ensuring that seafarers who serve on Liberian-flagged ships have decent working and living conditions, a safe and secure workplace and fair employment. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. She said there had also been an increase in reports of crew members not being paid for their time spent in quarantine. and ITF inspector. “It is really worrying that flag states won’t reply, even when the complaint is about seafarers starving on … Maritime employers and seafarers' unions have joined forces to publish new international 'Guidance on Eliminating Shipboard Harassment and Bullying'. Kimberly Karlshoej, head of the ITF’s (International Transport Workers’ Federation) charity arm, the ITF Seafarers Trust, is to step down from her post and take on a consultancy role there. The complaints from on board the Flag of Convenience (FoC) vessel berthed at the Port Kembla Coal Terminal were received by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) on Monday 25 March and were immediately acted upon with an ITF Inspection conducted within two hours. Filipino seafarers man more than half of the global fleet PHOTO BY DUNCAN TORRES. Seafarers are encouraged to use the ship’s onboard complaint procedures to resolve complaints at the earliest possible opportunity in accordance with MLC 2006. Dean Summers, the ITF's Australian coordinator, says the rising demand for cargo shipping at a time when international cargo flights have all but stopped, is resulting in a "crew-change crisis". MNWB is a registered charity based in Southampton & has a dedicated team of 7, most of whom have sea-going experience. Common complaints from seafarers include a lack of legal representation and interpretation services. "The Australian Government recognises the importance of shipping and seafarers to Australia's supply chains," the spokesperson said. Yet these seafarers were real heroes. Please email or visit our ITF Wellbeing Facebook page, Job Scam To contact an ITF Inspector click on, Your ship (name, flag, IMO number, ship type), Your location (current port, sail date, next port, ETA), Your contact details (phone number, email address). ... (AMSA), which is responsible for enforcing international shipping obligations, has received 129 complaints, 91 of which relate to seafarers spending more than 11 months onboard vessels. Does the complaint relate to any of the following matters - Recruitment and Placement Services (Manning Agency) Seafarers Employment Agreement Payment of Wages ShipoHours of Work or Hours of Rest Entitlement to Leave Repatriation Accommodation Facilities Recreational Facilities Food, Water and Catering Medical Care On board and Ashore Other Main image: Lost and lonely among 18000 containers. We enforce bargaining agreements where they exist and try to leverage collective agreements on vessels that are not covered. Please email or visit our ITF Dockers Facebook page. They resisted. The complaint appears to be a tactical reaction to these legal proceedings and seeks to avoid compliance with the NSWC. Via the press the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) [and its affiliates] has heard about a complaint filed with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition by shortsea and feeder ship operators. Mr Summers said the Queensland Maritime Safety Authority had adopted a best practice model by creating "green lanes". Repeated attempts by the ITF to contact and call on the flag state, Comoros, to intervene were ignored. In fact, we often carry out routine inspections together. The new Guidelines are developed by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). ECSA applauds UN resolution on seafarers as key workers. The ITF inspectorate continues to inspect, investigate complaints of all seafarers. It also opened the door to official complaints against individual states from the ITF, he said. A Seafarers’ Bill of Rights An ITF Guide for Seafarers to the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Published by: The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) 49-60 Borough Road, London SE1 1DR, UK 5987 ITF Bill of Right's TEXT GB 15/2/10 16:51 Page 1 Registered charity based in Southampton & has a dedicated team of 7 most! 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