Perhaps that path would bring her back one day, but that would be for her to decide. What can I get for you?” she asked and the trio regarded her for a moment before ordering a beer and a shot of whiskey each. Sure, Yang made Blake happy and gave her a feeling of safety and security that she hadn't had in years but what did, Currently, in a small break where everyone was happy and served, Blake took a moment to watch the shenanigans at the bar. Sometimes, Blake swore that her mouth had a mind of its own. It was good that she had taken the time to learn the bar over the past few days, with the pace of things tonight slowing down to search for something would have been a death sentence. More of Faey’s arrows arced overhead, striking the monster and momentarily disintegrating its limbs. “Not anymore.” Mayym led Faey to the far side of the lagoon, where the water was shallow, giving way to pearly pebbles. When Yang raised her voice again in order to be heard, she said, "You better not stay around too long. Out of Ionia. “The betrayal by his best friend and… the loss of his father… weigh heavy on him.”. Ionians were dying in the material realm, and that was the realm Akali would defend. All her aspirations destroyed. “I did that so none of you have to!” Kennen snapped. And for that, Faey was grateful. Yet, part of the gang still hesitated. I am so sorry. “Really made yourself at home, didn’t you?”, Blake shot upright, almost hurling herself off the bed, her ears flat against her head in alarm. When looking at those left behind, it's no surprise we found Akali in much need of some love. The adults needed hope. She had never been in love, not really. Akali’s finally reached a stable (though slightly below-average) state following her changes in the assassin update. But she did take the time to lash a small stuffed panther to the side of her bike, patting the plush’s head affectionately. ibingewatchmemesat3am, Kindred_Dragon, 1crazydame, oerba_yun_gay, Cojacky, Gato_Volador_Arcoiris, Matchstick77, AuroraConsergens, Rain_In_Your_Heart, mitchyjt, ElpisMuse, amphrosdragon, NTKN6363, paponela, Weaseltotheface, MW2000LiS, SapphicDisasterTwin, LostW0oF, Robcook, Chelonaera, AmericanWildDog, KeyIsFadedd, Matchappreciated, The_Descolada, Skittles18, Jerzu, Blue_boomerang, CamusTheSable, AyePatch, ClutchKey, Deastin, Argonautilus, alrightheresali, Atomicon, SumoSnipe, BakedApple, CenterLion, stinkyrat, Specter177, Mol2311, and Kuchenjaeger Blake stood awkwardly in the entrance to the garage, her bike parked next to her. Just like that, the monster was gone, leaving behind only piles of decayed, oozing plants. “You’re from outta town,” she said slowly, dragging out each word just enough to let the man know she was serious, “so you probably don’t know this, but when I started this place there were only two things I didn’t let inside: dogs and racist fucks. Even with all the noise, Blake was close enough to hear the twins respond. The moment passed, and Mayym looked to the side. We make the sound of grey owls.”, “Yes,” Faey said. “Yeah, it is,” Blake muttered, staring at her hard iced tea as Yang finished cleaning up. Exit Death Shroud with Dark Path becomes available once more to repeat cast more skills. She looked for Akali, but could not find her. Under the falling twilight, Mayym paced along the edge of the lagoon with graceful steps, away from the cluster of shabby houses. “Precisely. Blake’s blood ran cold as she heard it. “They don’t seem to like you very much,” Blake muttered, and Yang snorted with humorless laughter. “You need a ride?” Blake asked, the words tumbling out before she could stop them. Ring movement speed durations increased. Faey stared at the warriors, who were advancing slowly. "Sure," Blake muttered, forcing herself to meet Yang's eyes. “Thank the gods.”, “You’ll get used to it,” Yang said with a small laugh and Blake chuckled softly in response. Then his tone turned grim. Yang's smile as she turned around was painfully fake, like it had been painted on. She couldn’t understand how everyone else could be ignoring the piercing cold. Blake hadn't really thought about the words before she said them, but the moment they were in the air she knew they were true. Damn, Blake, we’ve just met. It's nice to mix things up a little bit from time to time. If I had killed the boar, I would’ve hurt the balance—and that’s what the Kinkou are supposed to protect! Strangely, when Faey arrived at the fringe of the valley, the neophytes were not there. He had two swords crossed on his back, one of steel, the other arcane. “Ten! On that Sunday evening, the bar was notably quiet. “The other neophytes told me what happened,” Mayym said in a calmer voice, lifting her chin. Where it is now, I’d have to think a little. We'll get more development of the bees coming up! .” Blake knew the movie, an old b-rate monster flick from twenty years ago. She was still guarded, even though they spent nearly every waking moment at least within earshot of one another. Stellaris: MegaCorp is the latest full expansion for Paradox Development Studio’s iconic sci-fi grand strategy game, which has players ushering in an era of prosperity and profit on a galactic scale. They’re trouble is who they are, always mixed up in some kind of crime back in town.”. Yang asked as she placed a rack of clean glasses underneath the counter. “I picked up on that,” Blake said dryly, letting the poor attempt at humor relax her muscles as much as it could. “The moment is at hand.”. The two climbed onto Blake’s bike, and as Blake fastened her helmet, Yang cleared her throat awkwardly. If Kennen were here, he could be eating a bowl of noodles while dodging the attacks. As part of her training, Mayym brought her to important meetings. I taught Ilia everything she knows about kicking in teeth. Moments of note include: Ruby embedding her scythe into the ground, dodging a lunging attack while on top of her weapon and then firing to shoot one wolf and send herself spinning through the air to kick another one in the face. W cost down. We're trimming damage off the lower-counterplay part of her all-in to keep her as untouched as possible in other situations. Shen is going to take care of the source.”. Possibly uninhabited by humans for centuries, this side of the mountain had been taken over by wild growth of vegetation. If she was being distant bc she didn't want to get invested in someone that is obviously leaving soon or if it was something else. Armies are hunting animals near extinction, trees in mystical forests are being felled, and the spirit realm is reeling,” Mayym said as they stepped onto a rocky slope. Maybe this was a chance to finally get out from under his shadow. And Yang being so perceptive will start keeping a tabs. She glanced down at Blake with a small smirk. Carpenter is a Disciple of the Hand (crafting class) that produces wooden materials, furniture and equipment used by many classes in the game.For example, they can create wooden shields and masks for casters, weapons and armor for disciples of war, fishing poles for fishers, grinding wheels for goldsmiths, and much more.. Any player with at least one level 10 Disciple … They were still careful, of course, but it did speed up their progress and let them range out farther than they had previously. With her ultimate now sufficiently gated, we're returning some of the damage. She repositioned her feet and held her asymmetrical bow a few handspans from the bottom to ensure the most force. The inside of the bar was just as...rustic as the rest of it. It was the angry tree spirit, towering over them all. “Master Mayym, when we first saw the silver boar, right when it left the spirit realm, it appeared agitated.”. It smelled wonderful, all cheesy and drowning in spices. But she wanted to trust Yang, and so every day she worked at lowering her own defenses just a hair further. The stony slope broke apart around Faey, and the large slab at the top came crashing down. A fierce pink sphere of power manifested itself in her hand. I’m impressed. She knew she would lose Isa and Taij, who were almost swallowed by the monster’s jagged, hollowed-out mouth. He was not wearing his usual mask, but his features were nonetheless hidden in the shadow of his hood, shielded from the moonlight. Faey hesitated, but before she could say another word, the little girl had headed toward the hut’s entrance, where Mayym now stood, watching them. I have…” Mayym stammered. When we nerfed Akali in 9.3, we swang hard on the parts of her kit that frustrated opponents most and caused issues specific to particular skill levels. Yang had lived up here for...well, Blake didn’t know how long but it must have been a while and it didn’t seem like she was up here with anyone. Head, Chest, Hand, Wrist, Waist, Leg, Feet, Weapon, Shield, and Off-hand items that had tanking stats (Dodge, Parry) or healer stats (Spirit) have been replaced with a different universally useful secondary stat. She wasn’t going anywhere. (See the end of the work for more notes.). “Perhaps the Eye of Twilight has something to say?”. “Why hasn’t someone arrested them?” Blake asked and Yang shook her head ruefully. “Initiate us. It’s too far back westward for people to bother, so if the road east is blocked then we’re in real trouble.”. Blake dropped off the new beer with a smile, the woman who received it slipping her a sizable tip. She slipped past Yang with a muttered ‘Excuse me,’ before crouching down to grab some bottles. Then he holds up his hands and shrugs, as if to ask, You want me to stop? Now Faey will include me on all the missions. Soon they were screaming down the road, literally in Yang’s case, as the bike hurtled them towards their next destination. Please consider turning it on! Her youthful precociousness turned to outright disobedience. She still felt coiled up, ready to spring for her bike and hide at a moment’s notice. Patch 9.24 “You don’t have to drive me back down. If losing her father had made her sad, Faey must have endured double the pain, for many more seasons. Yang being so non-judgemental makes my heart melt.Also there is no shame in using a plush to draw comfort from. She didn’t bother with fresh clothes, she was already behind schedule. Many of you are asking why it took us half a year to get here, and the answer is that Akali depended on turret stealth to dive as effectively as other assassins. Blake took a step forward when a shock of cold froze her midstep. On top of that, the road ahead was blocked by a bright yellow pickup truck with its hood popped open. Yatsu had his arm slung around his companion in orange, a man named Fox, and both were leaning as far from their other friends as possible. She lost her parents to the order’s missions long ago, and vowed never to cry again after countless nights of sobbing. “This is a haunted place. Faey had only three arrows left. No. “You’re new.”. Faey emptied her mind, letting instinct take control. She could still feel the choking smog of doubt and insecurity wafting its way through her thoughts, a subtle wind in the dark corners of her mind. Isa and Taij dropped to the ground: two vine-wrapped, sobbing bundles. That would be her vantage point. definition of - senses, usage, synonyms, thesaurus. The easiest job to do, isn’t it? She gestured at Yang’s truck and said, “Should we move her? The roof was made of hoary branches, and some of them had draped down like the beard of an old man. Re-cast: Dash to the marked target, dealing the same damage. Yang chewed that over for a moment, then shook her head ruefully. Lights flared. You’re a coward. Faey circled to the shadowed side of the hillock, where the larger boulders would block her from the intruders’ sight. Her laughter with Yang felt genuine, like it came from deep within her soul. For a Kinkou warrior-to-be, the mastery of a type of weaponry required two tracks of experience, the meditative and the combat-practical—the neio and the neiyar. I absolutely want you here, as long as you’re willing to stay. Faey was among the most recent generation to benefit from this wisdom. Blake was called over by a friendly smile and was soon on the hunt for more beer. “How about you be a little more careful?” I add. The start of a new story! “No, I’m good. A few people came in and out, usually exhausted and covered in dirt, but it wasn’t until late that night that someone of note wandered in. In front of the whole order, she declared the impotence of the Kinkou, all its talk of spiritual balance and patience accomplishing little. With a series of hand movements and head nods he tells me to try and do my business outside this time, after they leave his establishment. Of course, given that she had never faced a real enemy keen on taking her life, the neiyar centered around animal hunting and dueling against her trainers. But then an arrow pierced the hand, setting it ablaze in golden sparks. She had been so certain that Yang was going to attack her for sleeping with a plush at the age of twenty four that the idea of her just accepting the fact had never occurred. Two neophytes plunged directly to the ground, their impact cushioned by bushes. Leaves started falling, and within heartbeats, a large boar burst out from between tree trunks, squealing, its eyes wide. She would have to settle for being there if it ever happened again. Most assassins are measured on two major axis: time needed to kill a squishy, and what movement / utility is available to get to the next target (this cycles back and forth). She had bags under her eyes that hadn’t been there the night before and she yawned heavily, stretching towards the ceiling. Yet as Faey raised both arms above her head in a refined manner, confusion raged like a maelstrom. They were much more action fantasy oriented than what Blake would have usually picked, but they were all enjoyable. You mind getting the lights for me?". BUT DAMN. Akali is too reliably snagging kills when she comes into a fight with all her tools available. “Coco, don’t.”, Coco’s face fell and she looked away, glaring at the bar instead of the woman in red. "You really wanna stay and help?". Why does it have to be Shen who leads us? We worked well as a team.” Except Akali, Faey thought. “Don’t say that, it’ll go straight to her head,” Yatsu said and Blake laughed as Yang’s face contorted in mock outrage. Blake looked back to find the blonde holding out her arms uncertainly. ", "I don't mind. A small rabbit Faunus named Velvet was trying to keep her girlfriend Coco from loudly proclaiming just how “Hello?” The valley looked a shade darker, even though the sun was still at its apex. They were barely beyond being strangers. “Hey, it’ll be all right.” Kennen cupped her face in his hands. It also signified when the triumvirate of the Kinkou would meet and decide what came next for the order. It was day, the time uncertain, and murmurs of conversation could be heard outside. The sixth and seventh film had even been good, though that was only by comparison to the first five. Blake yawned heavily and smacked her lips, lazily looking from the credits back to Yang. “Akali, you must leave now!” Faey shouted as loud as she could. The reason why the spirit realm is disturbed. The dude has been with me for over 18 years now, that's longer than most actual friendships lol. Currently, in a small break where everyone was happy and served, Blake took a moment to watch the shenanigans at the bar. “I don’t want us to lose anyone anymore.”. I just need a minute to recover.”, Yang stood and headed for the door, only to stop in the opening and glance back. They sat down heavily at the bar, covered in as much dust as anyone else that night. He looked away awkwardly, only to glance up and see that Yang was giving him a joking smile. Slowly they returned to making fun of the movie and by the end of the second film the air in the room was back to being light and happy. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”, “What, you thought I lost my touch?” He smiled, and lightning crackled around his eyes and claws. Adam, or at least the man he pretended to be, was easy to fall in love with. The Beowulf Strikes at Midnight is inspired by my own love for horrible monster movies.Hope you enjoyed!Comments are always appreciated!Tumblr: It was a long ride to her next stopover, and she didn't fancy sleeping in the open again. “We’re going to play Ghost in the Woods at the southern valley. Beowulf Strikes I still owe you for getting me back here, so that’s on the house,” Yang said, flicking a stray lock of hair out of her eyes. When thoughts hushed, the dialogue of the soul began. You know your instructions.”, One of the older boys, Yajiro, said, “But we weren’t out long, and we stayed hidden.”, “We had the perfect plan,” Hisso chimed in, “but it was ruined by Akali! “We had it! Somehow, in the presence of Faey, Akali’s mother always treated her own daughter like thin air. “Nothing.”. “Well, that makes it easy… I wonder which one I’m supposed to kill?” I mock. "Strange thing for a biker to say, isn't it? The happy feeling followed her down the stairs and out into the spare room. Mayor probably won’t lift the stay home order for a day or two. Every time that news came in about the rockslide getting cleared off, everyone was happy except for Yang. Light-blooms, tiny luminous plants that the acolytes had grown, hung in strings along the temple walls, lending light to Akali’s nightly lesson. Born among their ranks was Akali, daughter of Mayym Jhomen Tethi, the renowned Fist of Shadow. The birdsong was immediately picked up by the others, echoing back through the foliage, a sound perfectly imitated by human vocal cords not yet come of age. Last-hit assistance removed. The left hand side was a sandy color and the right was a pale green, though the mirror was more bronze and silver in its coloration. Shroud bounced gently against the side of her bike as they soared higher and higher, towards the crest of the mountain range. Watching the Stars. She loved calling it a shiipo, which was a florid cloak worn by children during festivals. There she saw Akali sitting alone on the stone slabs in front of the dwelling. Yatsu just wandered in as I was writing this, so he and the rest of the team show up eventually. “I don’t need to know the day of the week on the road. “I don’t have steady hands. The Kinkou are the self-appointed keepers of Ionia’s sacred balance. You can get back on the main road if you drive right through it.”, As they approached Blake’s bike, Yang laughed softly. She knew exactly the fork in the road that Yang was talking about, and it was another two and a half hours back the way she had come. Yang was sliding her shot glasses of water, the woman far too wasted to notice. Severing the bandages and letting them fall to the side. Blake felt a rush of protectiveness and another lance of nervous attraction and she smiled gently over at Yang. Immediately Yang was by her side, wrapping her up in a hug. It was like she had traveled all this way just to find Yang. ), we’re taking the opportunity to not only offset the hit to Gunblade, but get Akali to a slightly stronger spot than she was at before. She had a long day ahead of her. He rubbed his nose against hers, making Akali giggle. ", Blake pushed herself off her bike and started to climb on as Yang approached. “Him,” I say pointing with my kama. The Kinkou had made sure no pursuers would stumble upon this location before they set up a solid base. In the blink of an eye, the giant was severed at the waist. She was trained as an assassin. Blake was an adult, she could make her own choices. “It’s nothin’,” Coco muttered and the woman laughed humorlessly. “You ready?”. Blake grunted appreciatively when she saw a small bookshelf next to Yang’s bed, all of its contents looking well loved and thoroughly read. Yang laughed, though it was short and humorless. “That twisted thing could keep reconstructing its material body as long as the corrupted spirit resides in the other realm. Low clouds were rolling just beyond the mountain’s summit, where basalt peaks held a glacier in their embrace. 174 Likes, 12 Comments - KatherineAnn (@rin_in_nature) on Instagram: “ESF class of 2020 I just graduated from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry with a…” I need to finish another set. “Is he still sad? Shroud,” Blake muttered, a sudden rush of embarrassment flooding her body as she waited for Yang’s answer, the inevitable mockery. Because he was so fast, he had to hike in circles so he could walk alongside Mayym. The doors swung open and a trio of dirty, exhausted people wandered in, collapsing at one of the tables. Get it over with. “Oh, sure,” Yang said, a wave of concern washing over her face as she saw Blake’s clenched jaw and the white knuckle grip she had on the rag. Less reliable income, access to Shroud's protection, and executes in lane will force the Rogue Assassin to work harder to secure an early advantage. Blake could feel the bar freeze, a cold air of horror sweeping across the entire room as everyone turned to see what was happening. “Fuck, I shouldn’t have done that.”. A lot, if it’s not my own. Shen let her go without a fight, knowing this was a path that Akali must walk alone. Yet, even as she condemned Akali’s folly, Faey had moved away from the stone slab, nocking another arrow on her bow. She paused at full draw, a moment of utmost concentration when an archer should sense the true spirit of the martial art. Course, recently, I had a change of heart,” she glared at the man over the bar, her eyes a burning red, “I started letting in dogs.”. With a single, powerful exhale, Faey released a high-pitched screech that pierced the pristine air. Still, by the time that Yang had begun to close up shop and shoo people out the door, there had been so many people that Blake had lost count. “Okay. “I know why they’re here: to capture people and force them to fight against the foreign invaders. “I can help,” Blake said softly, half hoping that Yang hadn’t heard. “What’s wrong?”, “I-I-” Blake stammered, her body going limp as her energy faded away entirely and she felt tears start to stream down her cheeks. The woman was watching her quizzically as Blake gave the interior a once over. “Yeah? Mayym and Kennen parted to allow him to pass. They probably thought you were too young.” Kennen’s voice was that of a human child, yet his tone was laced with wisdom. Somehow, Akali avoided the impacts and clung stubbornly to the mad animal, her laughter audible over its angry squeals. A colossal impact crater had sunk the glacier’s surface, and Faey imagined that a giant’s fist had punched it. “Yeah. “To the spirit realm.” Kennen landed beside her with a backflip. You know… if… if bad people come again.”, She’s afraid that enemies might show up any moment, and we’ll be on the run without food…, “I don’t want anything to tear our family apart,” Akali said. It was the same horrible drowning feeling that she had felt so many times over the years, when she left her parents to be with Adam, when she started her roadtrip, and now...she was about to leave Yang behind as well. At max rank, deals 125% damage to minions and monsters. Blake sighed, a rush of relief flooding her body. Yang slumped against the bar and grumbled to herself, idly spinning the water in her glass. Yang had begun to change up her cooking, including things that she knew Blake liked, and had given up trying to get Blake to leave her knife behind when she was working, realizing that having it made Blake feel safer. Work Search: No more picking plums or carrying water, Faey thought. The owner gave her a once over and nodded slowly. “What’s that about?” Blake asked, indicating the split when Yang turned. Even the trees let out audible sighs, waving their leaves and contorted branches, working with the neophytes in a cacophony of dread. The acolyte instructor sat idly to the side with a scroll on his lap, stifling a yawn. The Kinkou had heard that such things were happening in other parts of Ionia, a side effect of the brutal war against Noxus. At least not for painting,” she added as she finished pouring her drink together, her hand steady as a rock. The woman could be working with Adam, trying to kidnap her, bring her back to him. The darkness of the war has spread over Ionia in unprecedented ways,” Kennen said. Yang more and more. As Blake tucked the money away, she backed up and knocked into someone’s chair. It looked like the remains of a giant statue from an ancient era lost to time, though no one could be sure, as water had eroded all its angles and red moss blanketed its sunlit sides. This woman wasn’t working with Adam, he was in jail and he never had any dealings in Vale or Vacuo. She was going to prove to Yang that she was a good person, that she wouldn’t abandon her. Blake swore to herself that she would never be one of them. After Shen left, the rest of them began walking downhill. When they arrived at the site of the pyre, there were people already gathered. Stealth from turrets adjusted. The sun was at its zenith when she started toward the southern valley. As Blake got the lights around the bar, making sure that everything was tucked away neatly even though Yang had already expertly cleaned up her establishment, she walked with the solid footsteps of finality. They made each other laugh, they fit together so well, like a well worn puzzle. I told everyone to come along as soon as I realized a silver boar lived in those woods.”. It was deep within Yang’s expression, a mystery that was hidden under layers of the friendly bartender and the gracious hostess, to whatever lay beneath. Something dawned on Faey—dangerous moments had passed, and Akali had not been caught. Keeping my eyes trained on the door that leads into Bo’lii’s tavern. In this economy-focused expansion, players can become the CEO of a powerful corporate empire to expand operations across the stars. "Soft?" Faey’s next few shots could provide cover fire for the five unfettered neophytes to flee, or she could try to save Isa and Taij. “How long are you gonna owe me?” Blake teased lightly, unsure of how far she could push before Yang pushed back. “I can work with that,” Blake replied and suddenly Yang was smiling again, a surge of unbridled happiness fueling her expression. It is always about the dialogue. Should Weh’le appear at all, it is always on her own terms, daring people into doing very dumb things. Then Yang blinked and the window was closed again. I know you can do it better than anyone.” The little girl paused, looking surprised. He is one of the poem's three antagonists (along with his mother and the dragon), all aligned in opposition against the protagonist Beowulf.Grendel is feared by all in Heorot but Beowulf. “All right, let’s spread out. 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Themselves without avail valley? ” Blake asked and Yang nodded slowly fruit from inside her was trying to Yang.
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