Mark's family soon found a suitable 3 bedroom detached bungalow very close to where they lived. Examples of DETACHED GARAGE in a sentence Detached garage facilities for single-family residences may have a zero-foot setback from an alley, provided access is obtained from the alley; 2. The perforated pharyngeal region has then been detached from the adherent epipleura or opercular folds (wall of atrial or branchial chamber) by cutting the fluted pharyngo-pleural membrane d, and separated by a vertical cut from the intestinal region. Each Single Family Detached … He tries to remain emotionally detached from the prisoners, but fails. have any sentences? Alex carefully detached Destiny from his neck. Detached quotes from YourDictionary: The existential attitude is one of involvement in contrast to a merely theoretical or detached attitude. It was afterwards acknowledged that the Oudh proclamation, interpreted as Canning meant it should be, was a wise piece of statesmanship. SOLD SUBJECT TO CONTRACT This spacious detached barn conversion occupies a delightful rural location with splendid views to the rear. Being detached from realities of life and making castle in the air may invite troubles to one's life. Along the front of his fortress was built a heavy detached wall, loop-holed for fire, and sufficiently high to be a most formidable obstacle. After the conquest of Nehawend, Qahtaba had detached one of his captains, Abu `Aun, to Shahrazur, where he defeated the Syrian army which was stationed there. Examples of 'detached' in a sentence detached . sweeping driveway giving access to the detached double garage. Following what was then deemed a fundamental maxim of political science, they divided the government into three departments, the legislative, the executive and the judicial, and sought to keep each of these as far as possible detached from and independent of the other two. Somewhat detached from his peers, in an almost stereotypical fashion. It stands detached from the lower ranges of the Eastern Cordillera, and gives the impression that it is essentially independent. The state was confiscated for rebellion in 1857, but in 1860 was restored to Raja Anand Rao Punwar, then a minor, with the exception of the detached district of Bairusia, which was granted to the begum of Bhopal. On the other hand, it is extremely improbable that the Jews of Judaea, whom Nehemiah had entirely detached from their immediate neighbours, would have taken part in any general rising against Persia. Classical authors explained the name of Procida either as an allusion to its having been detached from Ischia, or as being that of the nurse of Aeneas. His brain functioned, but on a detached, robotic level. At the beginning of his reign, however, the new elector took up a somewhat detached position. theological reflection on our detached work can be found by clicking here. The ticket is made up of as many coloured sheets as there are party organizations (plus one for independent nominations), and the name of each candidate is on a perforated slip, which must be detached if it is to be voted. - The Belgian constitution, drafted by the national assembly in 1830-1831 after the provisional government had announced that " the Belgian provinces detached by force from Holland shall form an independent state," was published on the 7th of February 1831, and the modifications introduced into it subsequently, apart from the composition of the electorate, have been few and unimportant. The view that meets the eye southwards from the heights of the Kalta-alaghan is the picture of a chaos of mountain chains, ridges, crests, peaks, spurs, detached masses, in fact, montane conformations of every possible description and in every possible arrangement. Your Move are pleased to offer for sale this two bedroom semi detached house situated on Third Avenue in Scampton. The change of views above referred to may be studied in the detached articles of MM. To provide against the intended action of the first, Zaki detached his nephew, Ali Murad, at the head of his best troops to proceed with all speed to the north; and, as to the second, the seizure of such families of Sadiks followers as were then within the walls of the town, and other violent measures, struck such dismay into the hearts of the besieging soldiers that they dispersed and abandoned their leader to his fate. A detached house is not connected to any other building: 3. More Definitions of Detached building. It originally consisted of two detached buildings, but in 1826-1827 King William I. RESIDENCIAL SUCINA is a residential development where we are offering DETACHED VILLAS with a communal swimming pool, tennis court and large green areas. The monotheistic influence of Aristotle and his Arabian commentators shows itself in Albert and Aquinas, at the outset, in the definitive fashion in which the " mysteries " y sof the Trinity and the Incarnation are henceforth detached from the sphere of rational or philosophical theology. The buildings were detached, small and of the humblest character. The first one is a structured improvisation articulating sparse elements into a cold, detached organism. For a long time he could not endure the thought of destroying her, because he regarded her as an indispensable member of his "Accord," wherein she was to supply the place of Austria, whom circumstances had temporarily detached from the Russian alliance. It appears, therefore, that there survived in Palestine to late times a detached Hittite population, with which Hebrews sometimes intermarried (Judges iii. He detached them both and laid. Askari III was the first semi-detached housing sector of the Askari Scheme. Bino turned and groped with his oxygen hose, Ah, the standards! The Canary Islands resemble a roughly-drawn semicircle, with its convex side facing southwards, and with the island of Hierro detached on the south-west. 3. The Methuen Treaty, signed on the 2 7th of December 1703, detached Portugal from the French alliance, and made her for more than 50 years a commercial and political satellite of Great Britain. the contraction along a given straight line will in general have different values in any two neighbouring crystals, and the crystals consequently become slightly detached from one another. Source(s): When found detached these leaves were taken for the fronds of a Fern. 3 Answers. cosye detached cottage is equally suitable for romantic breaks or for the more mature clients who appreciate the cozy ambiance amidst the peaceful setting. It became now detached from the limitations of nationalism and local association with which it had been hitherto circumscribed. FEATURES: Two bedroomed detached bungalow set within mature garden grounds. Beresford was detached to succour Badajoz, but was soon recalled, as it had fallen to Soult. One or more of the electrons may be detached from the system by a finite force, the number so detachable depending on the valency of the atom; if the atom loses an electron, it becomes positively electrified; if it receives additional electrons, it is negatively electrified. The lordship of Etampes, in what is now the department of Seine et Oise in France, belonged to the royal domain, but was detached from it on several occasions in favour of princes, or kings' favourites. Carmen detached Matthew from her nipple and handed him to Alex, who sat down beside her. When detached clouds are drifting rapidly across the sun, we often see the shadows of the bars of the window on the walls or floor suddenly shifted by an inch or two, and for a moment very much more sharply defined. Relevance. 5. Also when I played it it felt a lot more " spongy " owing to the detached console. "An important key element here is to become detached … "If," to quote Dr Robertson, "by attempting to relate the various occurrences in the New World in a strict chronological order, the arrangement of events in his work had not been rendered so perplexed, disconnected and obscure that it is an unpleasant task to collect from different parts of his book and piece together the detached shreds of a story, he might justly have been ranked among the most eminent historians of his country. It became isolated and detached, why or with what advantage to the organism it is difficult to say, and at that period of Arachnidan development the great ventral nerve cords occupied a more lateral position than they do at present. As native influences, however, began to reassert themselves in the Nile valley, Alexandria gradually became an alien city, more and more detached from Egypt; and, losing much of its commerce as the peace of the empire broke up during the 3rd century A.D., it declined fast in population and splendour. They are strengthened by several detached forts and redoubts. 2 : exhibiting an aloof objectivity usually free from prejudice or self … While I was heavily sedated after surgery, I felt a sense of detachment from my environment. The fleet soon after sailed, a squadron being detached against Angola, with the intention of taking possession of that colony, in order to secure a supply of slaves. Calling in the brigade detached to the assistance of Nozu as well as all other available fractions of his scattered army, he himself attacked 1 The 5th division of the 2nd Army had been sent to join the 10th as the latter approached Hsimucheng. Synonym Discussion of detached. These 2 bedroom detached chalets are built on one level. 17 a (invasion of Austria) he commanded the detached left wing of Bonaparte's army in Tirol, and fought his way through the mountains to rejoin his chief in Styria. Detachment sentence examples. Another word for detached. Each of these poor-law parishes may represent the extent of an old ecclesiastical parish, or a township separately rated by custom before the practice was stayed in 1819 or separated from a large parish under the act of 1662, or it may represent a chapelry, tything, borough, ward, quarter or hamlet, or other subdivision of the ancient parish, or, under various acts, an area formed by the merger of an extra-parochial place with an adjoining district by the union of detached portions with adjoining parishes, or by the subdivision of a large parish for the better administration of the relief of the poor. It is the human subconscious mind trying to hide its actual truth, trying to wash the past away, cover it up, hide it, bury it, wash it away, cleansing oneself of rotten lies, Arnold[182] was a thousand times right when he said that the business of criticism lies in, He was a confirmed nihilist: a corrupt paid entertainer… who just happened to be slightly more honest than most of the other professional clowns who are paid to make people laugh by, From here we can understand that we still have plenty to face with Poseidon and that we must decide to sacrifice our pride and our hatred, our megalomanic, omnipotent I , as well as our fetal I that wants nothing to do with, This sort, therefore is at present cultivated principally for supplying wick for the lamps that are used in sugar boiling, and for domestic purposes; but the staple being exceedingly good, and its color perfectly white, it would doubtless be a valuable acquisition to the muslin manufactory, could means be found of, Lenehan in yachtsman's cap and white shoes officiously, The entire tractor-trailer lifts into the air, and then the cabin area of the truck, Makgrygair’s Siddarmarkians wouldn’t have the strength to take the place, but especially if Kynt, This is revealed to be the case when, but in the next moment, the beautiful monster. The highest of these apparently detached groups are Mt. 1917 he was made general, U.S.A. These three suburbs - as well as the little hamlet of Demirtash, containing about Soo houses all occupied by Bulgars - are all built in the native fashion; but the, fifth suburb, Karagatch, which is on the right bank of the Maritza, and occupies the region between the railway station and the city, is Western in its design, consisting of detached residences in gardens, many of them handsome villas, and all of modern European type. Thus the roots of Sigillaria are called Stigmaria, detached leaves Sigillariophyllum, and the fructifications Sigillariostrobus; the name Sigillaria applies to the stem, which, however, when old and partly decorticated has been called Syringodendron, while its woody cylinder has often been described under the name Diploxylon. 9 At Zheltnaya Vodui (Yellow Waters) in the Ukraine he annihilated, on the 19th of May, a detached Polish army corps after three days' desperate fighting, and on the 26th routed the main Polish army under the grand hetman, Stephen Potocki, at Kruta Balka (Hard Plank), near the river Korsun. He therefore proposed that he should be detached with ten sail of the line, and the frigates and small craft, to pass between the Middle Ground and Saltholm Flat, and assail the Danish line at the southern end while the remainder of the fleet engaged the Trekroner battery from the north. tarmac driveway to the side which provides ample parking leads to the detached garage / workshop. He spoke the words in the cool, detached tone that she recognized from their interactions at the hospital. ", At the same tfme Baldissera detached i ii sew -. 4 years ago. It was all in the past, and she knew how to be, Josh checked the altimeter on his watch and, But that is exactly what Science is: pure, He pulled a key ring out of his pocket and, Worried about his reputation, he had become, Hunter watched his friend’s progress with a, Only a select few ever followed his path into, The cornea was badly seared and the retina, Stephen, Thomas thought, feeling an unexpected but. On the rocky coast of high latitudes blocks of stone detached by frost fall on the beach and becoming embedded in ice during winter are often drifted out to sea and so carry the shore deposits to some distance from the land. (From Lankester, loc. It was hard for him to remain detached around the beautiful woman with silver-white hair. click for more sentences of detached … MECKLENBURG-STREL1TZ consists of two detached parts, the duchy of Strelitz on the E. Many detached sayings scattered throughout the book show a depth of insight, or a practical shrewdness, or again a power of concise speech, which stamps them on the memory. 2 The New York Times. similar (57) We thought maybe the radiator screen just got detached, but it was the whole thing. : Intruders and accessories to crime, we had our voyeuristic detachment demolished twice … But it was the close of a lengthy period during which Egypt had endeavoured to keep Palestine detached from Asia, and Palestine had realized the significance of a powerful empire at its south-western border. Later in the same year Nuevo Leon was detached, but Texas remained a part of the state until 1835. In 1853 Tientsin was besieged by an army of T'aip'ing rebels, which had been detached from the main force at Nanking for the capture of Peking. The process of electric conduction in metals consists in the movement of detached electrons, and many other phenomena, both electrical and thermal, can be more or less completely explained by their agency. Within the outer municipal boundary are included (besides Deutz) the suburbs of Bayenthal, Lindenthal, Ehrenfeld, Nippes, Sulz, Bickendorf, Niehl and Poll, protected by another widely extended circle of detached forts on both banks of the Rhine. luxury detached Victorian villa is set in a peaceful part of Torquay with its own beautiful private.. . Because there was a chain sprocket on each end, the cylinder to be detached from the frame and replaced the opposite way round. In the centre is the smaller, almost detached mass of Psiloriti (`TI,GtXopaTtov, ancient Ida), culminating in Stavros (8193 ft.), the highest summit in the island. Answer Save. not really long ones. xlv. Hood, having detached a part of his army, desired to gain time to bring in his detachments by holding this line for another day. Examples of Detached in a sentence. In the Maryland campaign Lieut.-General Jackson was again detached from the main army. The general aspect of the country is flat, except in the district of Monghyr, where detached hills occur, and in the south-east of the province, where the Rajmahal and Santal ranges abut upon the plains. But Scannell is curiously detached from the children whose shocking futures he anticipates. Definition of detached adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The detached building, formerly the stables, is converted into a fine concert hall; it is lighted by a vast glazed dome approaching that of St Paul's cathedral, London, in dimensions. A Grade II listed 16th Century Tudor detached cottage. detached definition is - standing by itself : separate, unconnected; especially : not sharing any wall with another building. thanks. so like emotionally detached. The coating of lime or mortar is soft and brittle, and consequently the young oysters can easily be detached with a stout knife. Is relatively progressive reasonably fuel-efficient mid-range hire fees to texas auto insurance detached house in leeds. detached triple garage with driveway parking. The seed-like body was detached as a whole from the cone, and in this condition was known for many years under the name of Cardiocarpon anomalum, having been wrongly identified with a true Gymnospermous seed so named a seed are obvious; the which is not tubular, but forms a long crevice, running in a direction radial to the strobilus. Politics cannot be detached from morality, but morality cannot be detached from spirituality. Cruise's cool detachment as he watches a killing that will happen really adds to the genuine feeling of his portrayal. A few detached villas lay along part of the south side of Spring Place. But it was now made to appear that the struthious birds in this respect resembled, not only the duck, but a great many other groups - waders, birds-of-prey, pigeons, passerines and perhaps all birds not gallinaceous - so that, according to Cuvier's view, the five points of ossification observed in the Gallinae, instead of exhibiting the normal process, exhibited one quite exceptional, and that in all other birds, so far as he had been enabled to investigate the matter, ossification of the sternum began at two points only, situated near the anterior upper margin of the side of the sternum, and gradually crept towards the keel, into which it presently extended; and, though he allowed the appearance of detached portions of calcareous matter at the base of the still cartilaginous keel in ducks at a certain age, he seemed to consider this an individual peculiarity. , but of these seven are not used by the wind to other wheat-plants box with spring! 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